xlsxwriter - Python script to write and append a single xls document by every functions inside the script. Currently its overwriting the sheet -

python script write , append single xls document every functions inside script. overwriting sheet.

here's code:

import os import os.path import mysqldb import configuration import hashlib import xlsxwriter lxml import etree   def check():     try:         path='config.txt'         workbook = xlsxwriter.workbook('demo.xlsx')                 worksheet = workbook.add_worksheet()                 worksheet.set_column('a:a', 20)                 bold = workbook.add_format({'bold': true})                 worksheet.write('a1', 'file name',bold)                 worksheet.write('b1', 'is present', bold)                 worksheet.write(2, 1, 'yes')                 worksheet.write('d1', 'verification', bold)                 worksheet.write(2, 0, 'config.txt')           if os.path.isfile(path) , os.access(path, os.r_ok):                  print "config.txt file exists , readable"             global cur1                     var = configuration.client['client_id']                     host = configuration.mysql_host['host']                     username = configuration.mysql_username['username']                     password = configuration.mysql_password['password']                     connection=mysqldb.connect( user=username, passwd=password, db="db")                     cur1=connection.cursor()                     cur1.execute("select md5sum **** file_name = 'config.txt' , sd = '%s'" % var)                     row=cur1.fetchone()                     ele = 'ncconfig.txt'                     md5 in row:                             file_name = 'config.txt'                             open(file_name) file_to_check:                                     data = file_to_check.read()                                     md5_returned = hashlib.md5(data).hexdigest()                             if md5 == md5_returned:                                     print('file %s md5 has been verified' % ele)                                 worksheet.write(2, 3, 'verified')                                 workbook.close()                              else:                                     print('file %s md5 not matching....so syncing failed ' % ele)                                 worksheet.write(2, 3, 'failed')                                 workbook.close()              cur1.close()                     connection.close()          else:                 print "either config.txt file missing or not readable"                         worksheet.write(2, 3, 'failed')                         worksheet.write('g1','reason', bold)             worksheet.write(2,5,'may file not present')                         workbook.close()         except mysqldb.error, e:                 print "error %d: %s" % (e.args[0], e.args[1])      def check_md5_for_rconfig():         try:                 path='rconfig.txt'                 if os.path.isfile(path) , os.access(path, os.r_ok):                         print "rconfig.txt file exists , readable"                         global cur1                         var = configuration.client['client_id']                         host = configuration.mysql_host['host']                         username = configuration.mysql_username['username']                         password = configuration.mysql_password['password']                         connection=mysqldb.connect( user=username, passwd=password, db="db")                         cur1=connection.cursor()                         cur1.execute("select md5sum **** file_name = 'rconfig.txt' , sd = '%s'" % var)                         row=cur1.fetchone()                         ele = 'rconfig.txt'                         md5 in row:                                 file_name = 'rconfig.txt'                                 open(file_name) file_to_check:                                         data = file_to_check.read()                                         md5_returned = hashlib.md5(data).hexdigest()                                 if md5 == md5_returned:                                         print('file %s md5 has been verified' % ele)                                    else:                                         print('file %s md5 not matching....so syncing failed ' % ele)                           cur1.close()                         connection.close()                  else:                         print "either rconfig.txt file missing or not readable"          except mysqldb.error, e:                 print "error %d: %s" % (e.args[0], e.args[1]) 

update should answer question: overflow answer here! read xlmswriter not modify existing excel files, there's module in link

with open(file_name) file_to_check: 

should be

with open(file_name, 'rb' ) file_to_check: 

for both read instances

are trying append worksheet? see everytime check() preformed writes same filename before , each worksheet.write inserts data previous defined spots, overwrite existing data in file, haven't worked xlswriter maybe it'll append that's see.


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