c# - Yahoo api for fantasy sports. Cannot figure how to use access token -

i have access token. how can make request using token in c#? here have tried unsuccessfully resulting in error 400 bad request.

note: url copied yql console

public static void request(string token)         {             var request =                 webrequest.create(                     @"https://query.yahooapis.com/v1/public/yql?q=select%20*%20from%20fantasysports.leagues%20where%20league_key%3d'371.l.4019'&diagnostics=true&env=store%3a%2f%2fdatatables.org%2falltableswithkeys");              request.headers["authorization"] = $"bearer {token}";             request.method = "get";             request.contenttype = "application/xml;charset=utf-8";             using (var response = request.getresponse())             {                 using (var stream = response.getresponsestream())                 {                     if (stream == null) return;                     var reader = new streamreader(stream, encoding.utf8);                     var responsestring = reader.readtoend();                 }             }         } 


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