matlab - nonuniform mutation and blend alpha crossover in genetic algorithm -

i used blend alpha cross on , non uniform mutation in genetic algorithm.the chromosomes have form : [parent1 parent2 parent3 parent4 parent5 parent6 parent7]. value allow each chromosome should in range[0,1] , sum of them should equal 1. have code cross on , mutation constraint.but dose not work.the chromosomes in result not in [0,1] , not have sum equal 1. code cross on :

 if (rnd < pc)   = 1:n  u = rand;  alpha = 0.5;  gamma = (1+(2*alpha)* u) - alpha ;  child1(i) = (((1 - gamma) * best1(i)) + (gamma * best2(i))); end                end  child1(1:n) = bsxfun(@rdivide,child1(1:n).',sum(child1(1:n).')).'; 

and code mutation:

    rnd = randi([0 100]) / 100;     if (rnd < pm)         mutationpoints = randperm(n-1,3);         m1 = mutationpoints(1);         m2 = mutationpoints(2);         m3 = mutationpoints(3);         mu = 0;         sigma = 0.35;         rnd1 = normrnd(mu,sigma);         rnd2 = normrnd(mu,sigma);         rnd3 = normrnd(mu,sigma);         child1(m1) = child1(m1) + rnd1;         child1(m2) = child1(m2) + rnd2;         child1(m3) = child1(m3) + rnd3;         child1(1:n) bsxfun(@rdivide,child1(1:n).',sum(child1(1:n).')).';         end 

how can fix if ? thank taking time.


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