node.js - Authenticating Google Sheet API on Heroku using NodeJS -

i'm following example access google sheets api:

within example code following method fetch new oauth token.

function getnewtoken(oauth2client, callback) {   var authurl = oauth2client.generateauthurl({     access_type: 'offline',     scope: scopes   });   console.log('authorize app visiting url: ', authurl);   var rl = readline.createinterface({     input: process.stdin,     output: process.stdout   });   rl.question('enter code page here: ', function(code) {     rl.close();     oauth2client.gettoken(code, function(err, token) {       if (err) {         console.log('error while trying retrieve access token', err);         return;       }       oauth2client.credentials = token;       storetoken(token);       callback(oauth2client);     });   }); } 

this works fine on local machine (manually visiting page prompted in terminal, , entering code in command line). seems unpractical , doesn't work on heroku. there way automate this? maybe fetching url (and token) in nodejs application , storing somehow?

thanks in advance.

ok, ended using service account key can generated @ generate json file of need 2 values: private_key , client_email.

to test locally can download dotenv npm module allow store environment variables in .env file in project root. .env file this:

google_private_key=<your-key-here-withouth-quotes> google_client_email=<your-email-here-withouth-quotes> 

don't forget add .env file .gitignore list when deploying heroku app via git.

my auth.js file looks this:

const googleauth = require('google-auth-library');  const scopes = [''];  function authorize() {     return new promise(resolve => {         const authfactory = new googleauth();         const jwtclient = new authfactory.jwt(             process.env.google_client_email,             null,             process.env.google_private_key.replace(/\\n/g, '\n'),              scopes         );          jwtclient.authorize(() => resolve(jwtclient));     }); }  module.exports = {     authorize, } 

note replace function behind private key variable.

my app.js (main file) looks this:

require('dotenv').config(); const google = require('googleapis'); const sheetsapi = google.sheets('v4'); const googleauth = require('./auth');  const spreadsheet_id = 'your-spreadsheet-id';  googleauth.authorize()     .then((auth) => {         sheetsapi.spreadsheets.values.get({             auth: auth,             spreadsheetid: spreadsheet_id,             range: "'tab name'!a1:h300",         }, function (err, response) {             if (err) {                 console.log('the api returned error: ' + err);                 return console.log(err);             }             var rows = response.values;             console.log(null, rows);         });     })     .catch((err) => {         console.log('auth error', err);     }); 

if following error:

the api returned error: error: caller not have permission

share spreadsheet trying load google_client_email , try again.

if works locally, add environment variables heroku app visiting heroku account , going settings , click reveal config vars , deploy application. if goes well, should have access document.


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