Webpack 3 schema-utils error with no information -

when running webpack getting following:

/users/nikos/webstormprojects/quantumjs/node_modules/schema-utils/dist/validateoptions.js:40     throw new _validationerror2.default(ajv.errors, name);     ^  false 

this config:

var path = require("path"); var webpack = require("webpack"); var webpackbuildnotifierplugin = require("webpack-build-notifier"); const extracttextplugin = require("extract-text-webpack-plugin");  const paths = {   src: path.join(__dirname, './src'),   build: path.join(__dirname, './build') };  module.exports = {    entry: {     "app": paths.src + '/index.ts'   },   output: {     path: paths.build,     filename: '[name].js',     publicpath: '/'    },   devtool: "source-map",   module: {     loaders: [       {         test: /\.ts$/,         loader: 'ts-loader'       },       {         test: /\.p?css$/,         use: extracttextplugin.extract({           fallbackloader: "style-loader",           loader: "css-loader?importloaders=1,url=false!postcss-loader"         })       }     ]   },   resolve: {     // can require('file') instead of require('file.js')     extensions: ['.ts', '.js','.pcss']   },   plugins: [     new webpackbuildnotifierplugin({       title: "my project webpack build"     }),     new extracttextplugin("app.css"),   ] }; 

extract-text-webpack-plugin has deprecated following options:

  • fallbackloader fallback
  • loader has replaced use.

source: https://github.com/webpack-contrib/extract-text-webpack-plugin/issues/569


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