ios - How to format text like a blockquote within a UITextView -

i trying familiarize myself coretext , started making own note taking application.

i have regex in place in conjunction attributedstrings , trying mimic functionality of stackoverflow text box typing in now.

i have of common things like:




emphasis blocks

but struggling make block quote / code block.

something breaks own line , creates box goes edge no matter how long text is.

and changes background color 

is possible strictly using attributedstrings? i've seen old examples html / css injected hoping accomplish using special nsattributedstringkey combination.

yes, it's possible. here's sample playground in swift 3:

import uikit import playgroundsupport  let richtext = nsmutableattributedstring()  let chunk0 = nsattributedstring(string: "but struggling make block quote / code block.\n\n") richtext.append(chunk0)  let paragraphstyle = nsmutableparagraphstyle() paragraphstyle.headindent = 20 // note setting paragraphstyle.firstlineheadindent // doesn't use background color first line's // indentation. use tab stop on first line instead. paragraphstyle.tabstops = [nstexttab(textalignment: .left, location: paragraphstyle.headindent, options: [:])]  let chunk1 = nsattributedstring(string: "\tsomething breaks own line , creates box goes edge no matter how long text is.\n", attributes: [     nsparagraphstyleattributename: paragraphstyle,     nsbackgroundcolorattributename: uicolor.yellow ]) richtext.append(chunk1)  let chunk2 = nsattributedstring(string: "\nis possible strictly using attributedstrings?") richtext.append(chunk2)  let textview = uitextview(frame: cgrect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 120, height: 400)) textview.backgroundcolor = .white textview.attributedtext = richtext playgroundpage.current.liveview = textview 

here's output:


but it's important keep in mind uitextview less powerful (for layout , styling) web view. if want fancy (like stackoverflow darker line of color along left edge of blockquote box), should generate html , css , use web view.


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