symfony - exception during the rendering of a template: "The block service `app.service.block.custom` does not exist" -

i'm trying build custom block sonata, moment i'm trying simple block display text, cannot render template seems service can't found.

i have block declared in config.yml

sonata_block:     default_contexts: [cms]     blocks:         app.service.block.portfolio:  dashboard:     blocks:         - { position: right, type: app.service.block.portfolio, settings: { content: "<h2>this test block</h2>"} } 

i can see service up:

app/console debug:container | grep app.service.block.portfolio   app.service.block.portfolio     app\corebundle\block\blockportfolio 

this code used:

<?php  namespace app\corebundle\block;  use sonata\blockbundle\block\service\abstractadminblockservice; use sonata\adminbundle\form\formmapper; use sonata\blockbundle\block\blockcontextinterface; use sonata\blockbundle\model\blockinterface; use sonata\corebundle\model\metadata; use symfony\component\httpfoundation\response; use symfony\component\optionsresolver\optionsresolver; use jms\diextrabundle\annotation di;   /**  * @di\service("app.service.block.portfolio")  */ class blockportfolio extends abstractadminblockservice { /**  * {@inheritdoc}  */ public function execute(blockcontextinterface $blockcontext, response $response = null) {     return $this->renderresponse($blockcontext->gettemplate(), array(         'block' => $blockcontext->getblock(),         'settings' => $blockcontext->getsettings(),     ), $response); }  /**  * {@inheritdoc}  */ public function buildeditform(formmapper $formmapper, blockinterface $block) {     $formmapper->add('settings', 'sonata_type_immutable_array', array(         'keys' => array(             array('content', 'textarea', array()),         ),     )); }  /**  * {@inheritdoc}  */ public function configuresettings(optionsresolver $resolver) {     $resolver->setdefaults(array(         'content' => 'insert custom content here',         'template' => 'sonatablockbundle:block:block_core_text.html.twig',     )); }  /**  * {@inheritdoc}  */ public function getblockmetadata($code = null) {     return new metadata($this->getname(), (!is_null($code) ? $code : $this->getname()), false, 'sonatablockbundle', array(         'class' => 'fa fa-file-text-o',     )); } 


anyone has clue ?

regards, julien

ok, found answer, missing tag in service.

/**  * @di\service("app.service.block.portfolio")  * @di\tag(name="sonata.block")  */ 

i'm not sure why need tag, though. if knows reason, i'd happy here it.

cheers, julien


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