swift - How to connect UITableViewCell button to perform UITableView functions? -

i have app utilizes tableview contains prototype cell. prototype cell contains few labels , button (connected cell's uitableviewcell file). if that's not clear, mean:

class contactscell: uitableviewcell { //this custom cell used prototype cell tableview      @iboutlet weak var firstnamelabel: uilabel!      @iboutlet weak var lastnamelabel: uilabel!      @iboutlet weak var numberlabel: uilabel!      @iboutlet weak var indexpathrowlabel: uilabel!      @iboutlet weak var replacecontactbuttonui: uibutton!      @ibaction func replacecontactbuttontapped(_ sender: any) {         //this button in question     }  

the reason because i'd each cell in tableview have of labels (and button), each row having different values in labels. these values handled cellforrowat tableview function, via system follows:
pressing button (not button in cells talking about... different button @ top of vc, outside of tableview) brings contact picker:

 func selectcontact(){//allows user bring contactpicker          let contactpicker = cncontactpickerviewcontroller()         contactpicker.displayedpropertykeys = [cncontactgivennamekey, cncontactfamilynamekey, cncontactphonenumberskey, cncontactimagedatakey]          contactpicker.delegate = self          contactpicker.predicateforenablingcontact = nspredicate(format: "phonenumbers.@count >= 0")          contactpicker.predicateforselectionofcontact = nspredicate(format: "phonenumbers.@count >= 1")          self.present(contactpicker, animated: true, completion: nil)     }     @ibaction func selectcontactsbutton(_ sender: any) {         selectcontact()         //button brings picker allow selection of contact     } 

selecting 1 of contacts updates array used tableview update value of labels:

func contactpicker(_ picker: cncontactpickerviewcontroller, didselect contactproperty: cncontactproperty) {     contactarray.append(contactproperty.contact)     print(contactarray)// contactarray = [cncontact]()     contactstableview.reloaddata()// reloads value of labels     dismiss(animated: true) } 

these work intended. however, run bit of issue button in each cell. button intended allow replacement of cncontact in tableview @ row of button pressed... (ie if there 4 rows, there 4 "replace" buttons. clicking "replace" button of third row replaces cncontact @ 2nd index of contactarray). issue is, though. since button, , action, lives in uitableviewcell's swift file, , not in tableviewcontrollers, doesn't have access contactarray remove , append, nor picker functions allow selection of new contact, nor tableview run .reloaddata(). how 'give access' uitableviewcell's swift file utilize things tableview controller part of/connected to?
note possible entire premise of question wrong , should've placed button's action elsewhere (not in uitableviewcell's swift file). if case, should put it?

since have information in viewcontroller, suggest moving @ibaction viewcontroller well. if worried referencing correct cell, can set tag value of uibutton in cellforrow method. in @ibaction, can use value access correct index in array cell itself


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