ios - Swift BLE "didDiscoverServices" not executing. Am I missing something? -

i've been reading tutorial use nrf8001 adafruit , connecting ios device via arduino. far i've set correctly , works fine in app.
i'm trying write own app (for now) exact same thing, read tutorial , understand copied code close could, far can connection , things seem working (ui-wise), can't seem past connecting device:
here's code after connecting:

func centralmanager(_ central: cbcentralmanager, diddiscover peripheral: cbperipheral, advertisementdata: [string : any], rssi rssi: nsnumber) {         //what when discovers peripheral, add array list         print("peripheral found: " + ( ?? "unknown name"))         peripheralsfoundnames.append(( ?? "unknown name"))         peripheralsfounddata.append((advertisementdata.description ))         peripheralsfoundcb.append(peripheral)         peripheralsfoundrssis.append(rssi)     }  func centralmanager(_ central: cbcentralmanager, didconnect peripheral: cbperipheral) {         print("connected device!")         displaystatusalert(localmsg: "connection succesful!") device_ready_key), object: self)         data?.length = 0 //clear data might stored         peripheral.discoverservices([bletemperatureservice])         print("here @ didconnect, connected to:" +!)         // here needs add code check if it's single or multi-channel device via advertisement data or other constant, maybe name?     } 

as can see, calling explicitly peripheral.discoverservices, , have print statement executes. have following (note none of below lines seem execute @ time (at least not print statements):

func peripheral(_ peripheral: cbperipheral, diddiscoverservices error: error?) {     print("here @ diddisoverservices")         if ((error) != nil){             displaystatusalert(localmsg: "error: \n" + (error?.localizeddescription ?? "error unknown" ))         }          guard let services =             else{                 return         }          service in services {             peripheral.discovercharacteristics(nil, for: service)          }         print ("discovered!")     }       func peripheral(_ peripheral: cbperipheral, diddiscovercharacteristicsfor service: cbservice, error: error?) {         if ((error) != nil){             displaystatusalert(localmsg: "error: \n" + (error?.localizeddescription ?? "error unknown" ))         }          guard let characteristics = service.characteristics             else{                 return         }         characteristic in characteristics {             //looks right characteristic             print("looking characteristic")               if characteristic.uuid.isequal(blerxcharacteristic)  {                 deviceconnectedrxchar = characteristic                  //once found, subscribe particular characteristic                 peripheral.setnotifyvalue(true, for: deviceconnectedrxchar!)                  peripheral.readvalue(for: characteristic)                 print("rx characteristic: \(characteristic.uuid)")             }             if characteristic.uuid.isequal(bletxcharacteristic){                 deviceconnectedtxchar = characteristic                 print("tx characteristic: \(characteristic.uuid)")             }             peripheral.discoverdescriptors(for: characteristic)         }          print ("characteristic discovered")     }      func peripheral(_ peripheral: cbperipheral, didupdatevaluefor characteristic: cbcharacteristic, error: error?) {          if characteristic == deviceconnectedrxchar {             if let asciistring = nsstring(data: characteristic.value!, encoding: string.encoding.utf8.rawvalue) {                 receiveddatastring = asciistring                 print("value recieved: \((receiveddatastring string))")        device_sent_data), object: nil)              }         } 

func peripheral(_ peripheral: cbperipheral, diddiscoverservices error: error?) cbperipheraldelegate method.

so missing setting cbperipheral object delegate.

so before doing peripheral.discoverservices([bletemperatureservice]), need peripheral.delegate = self.


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