swift - how to update ui after changing property of custom class -

i created custom class customview, subclass of uiview.

class customview: uiview{     var buttonnumber: int = 0      override init(frame: cgrect) {         super.init(frame: frame)     }      // storyboard loader uses @ runtime.     required init?(coder adecoder: nscoder) {         super.init(coder: adecoder)     }      override func awakefromnib() {         buttons in 0...2{             let btn = uibutton(frame: cgrect(x: (self.frame.width) * (cgfloat(buttons)/3) + 1,y: 1,width: self.frame.width/3 - 2,height: self.frame.height - 2))             btn.addtarget(self, action: #selector(buttontapped(sender:)), for: .touchupinside)             btn.tag = buttons             self.addsubview(btn)         }     }      func buttontapped(sender: uibutton!){         self.buttonnumber = sender.tag     } } 

now, in viewcontroller, added uiview "changed class customview" & uilabel 'mylabel'.

what want title of uilabel 'mylabel' changes whenever property 'buttonnumber' changes. how can that?

update: i'm trying make custom uisegmentedcontrol using uiview , buttonnumber property represents selected segment. of things made static. want access selectedsegment property through viewcontroller. how can achieve functionality?


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