MongoDB - random signal 15? -

relatively new this, forgive me if wrong.

mongodb / ubuntu seems randomly receive sig15 , power down. im unsure of anyway (with wiredtiger) trace signal 15, , there no pattern in time happens.

2017-09-11t12:07:43.594-0400 control  [main] ***** server restarted ***** 2017-09-11t12:07:43.598-0400 storage  [main] [rocksdb] block cache size gb: 0 2017-09-11t12:07:43.598-0400 storage  [main] [rocksdb] compression: snappy 2017-09-11t12:07:43.599-0400 storage  [main] [rocksdb] maxwritembpersec: 1024 2017-09-11t12:07:43.599-0400 storage  [main] [rocksdb] engine custom option: 2017-09-11t12:07:43.599-0400 storage  [main] [rocksdb] crash safe counters: 0 2017-09-11t12:07:43.599-0400 storage  [main] [rocksdb] counters: 1 2017-09-11t12:07:43.599-0400 storage  [main] [rocksdb] use singledelete in index: 0 2017-09-11t12:07:43.602-0400 access   [main] initialized external auth session 2017-09-11t12:07:43.606-0400 control  [initandlisten] mongodb starting : pid=3259 port=27017 dbpath=/var/lib/mongodb 64-bit host=sparkleserver 2017-09-11t12:07:43.606-0400 control  [initandlisten] db version v3.4.2-1.2 2017-09-11t12:07:43.606-0400 control  [initandlisten] git version: e9df092837a2f541e1face5a45c12a652483d392 2017-09-11t12:07:43.606-0400 control  [initandlisten] openssl version: openssl 1.0.2g  1 mar 2016 2017-09-11t12:07:43.606-0400 control  [initandlisten] allocator: tcmalloc 2017-09-11t12:07:43.606-0400 control  [initandlisten] modules: none 2017-09-11t12:07:43.606-0400 control  [initandlisten] build environment: 2017-09-11t12:07:43.606-0400 control  [initandlisten]     distarch: x86_64 2017-09-11t12:07:43.606-0400 control  [initandlisten]     target_arch: x86_64 2017-09-11t12:07:43.606-0400 control  [initandlisten] options: { config: "/etc/mongod.conf", net: { bindip: "", port: 27017 }, processmanagement: { fork: true, pidfilepath: "/var/run/" }, storage: { dbpath: "/var/lib/mongodb", journal: { enabled: true } }, systemlog: { destination: "file", logappe$ 2017-09-11t12:07:43.636-0400 -        [initandlisten] detected data files in /var/lib/mongodb created 'wiredtiger' storage engine, setting active storage engine 'wiredtiger'. 2017-09-11t12:07:43.636-0400 storage  [initandlisten] 2017-09-11t12:07:43.636-0400 storage  [initandlisten] ** warning: using xfs filesystem recommended wiredtiger storage engine 2017-09-11t12:07:43.636-0400 storage  [initandlisten] **          see 2017-09-11t12:07:43.637-0400 storage  [initandlisten] wiredtiger_open config: create,cache_size=1423m,session_max=20000,eviction=(threads_max=4),config_base=false,statistics=(fast),log=(enabled=true,archive=true,path=journal,compressor=snappy),file_manager=(close_idle_time=100000),checkpoint=(wait=60,log_size=2gb),s$ 2017-09-11t12:07:45.039-0400 control  [initandlisten] 2017-09-11t12:07:45.039-0400 control  [initandlisten] ** warning: access control not enabled database. 2017-09-11t12:07:45.039-0400 control  [initandlisten] **          read , write access data , configuration unrestricted. 2017-09-11t12:07:45.039-0400 control  [initandlisten] **          can use /usr/bin/ fix it. 2017-09-11t12:07:45.039-0400 control  [initandlisten] 2017-09-11t12:07:45.132-0400 ftdc     [initandlisten] initializing full-time diagnostic data capture directory '/var/lib/mongodb/' 2017-09-11t12:07:45.137-0400 network  [thread1] waiting connections on port 27017 2017-09-11t12:07:45.692-0400 network  [thread1] connection accepted #1 (1 connection open) 2017-09-11t12:07:45.692-0400 network  [thread1] connection accepted #2 (2 connections open) 2017-09-11t12:07:45.693-0400 network  [thread1] connection accepted #3 (3 connections open) 2017-09-11t12:07:47.433-0400 network  [thread1] connection accepted #4 (4 connections open) 2017-09-11t12:07:47.437-0400 network  [conn4] received client metadata conn4: { driver: { name: "nodejs", version: "2.2.31" }, os: { type: "linux", name: "linux", architecture: "x64", version: "4.8.0-59-generic" }, platform: "node.js v8.4.0, le, mongodb-core: 2.1.15" } 2017-09-11t12:08:17.872-0400 network  [thread1] connection accepted #5 (5 connections open) 2017-09-11t12:09:03.923-0400 command  [conn4] command insparkle.schedule command: insert { insert: "schedule", documents: [ { isactive: true, customername: "amanda slater", smscustomernotified: false, locessentials: "by pool ", customerphone: "(812) 870-7438", accountnumber: "8707438", type: "closing", weekstart: ne$ 2017-09-11t12:09:08.426-0400 network  [thread1] connection accepted #6 (6 connections open) 2017-09-11t12:09:08.690-0400 network  [thread1] connection accepted #7 (7 connections open) 2017-09-11t12:14:47.223-0400 command  [conn7] command insparkle.messages command: insert { insert: "messages", documents: [ { datetimemessage: new date(1505146486944), themessage: "needs talk pool liner estimate gave ", messagefromaddress: "3210 e homestead dr brazil, in 47834", _p_signed$ 2017-09-11t12:30:17.569-0400 network  [thread1] connection accepted #8 (8 connections open) 2017-09-11t13:27:52.466-0400 command  [conn5] command insparkle.workorders command: find { find: "workorders", filter: { $or: [ { customername: { $regex: "\qlucas\e" }, _rperm: { $in: [ null, "*", "scvr9uft1r" ] } }, { customeraddress: { $regex: "\qlucas\e" }, _rperm: { $in: [ null, "*", "scvr9uft1r" ] } } ] }, sort$ 2017-09-11t13:48:23.117-0400 command  [conn7] command insparkle.soi command: find { find: "soi", filter: { isactive: true, _rperm: { $in: [ null, "*", "yavfxqhwkp" ] } }, sort: { _created_at: -1 }, projection: {}, limit: 100 } plansummary: ixscan { isactive: 1, _created_at: -1, customername: 1 } keysexamined:100 doc$ 2017-09-11t13:48:42.505-0400 command  [conn8] command insparkle.soi command: insert { insert: "soi", documents: [ { location: "north side", ordernumber: "kl301471", serial: "554052", category: "liners", customername: "willett", date: new date(1505102400000), _p_enteredby: "_user$yavfxqhwkp", isactive: true, _id: "ur$ 2017-09-11t15:35:26.723-0400 command  [conn4] command insparkle.timeclockpunches command: insert { insert: "timeclockpunches", documents: [ { timepunched: new date(1505158526402), _p_relatedpunch: "timeclockpunches$9edwkodinz", _p_employee: "employees$bjzdvjobhn", punchoutin: "out", _id: "zlmrqvecfl", _created_at: n$ 2017-09-11t15:35:26.993-0400 command  [conn7] command insparkle.timepunchtimecalculations command: insert { insert: "timepunchtimecalculations", documents: [ { timepunchedin: new date(1505127577294), totaltime: 8.25, timepunchedout: new date(1505158526402), _p_employee: "employees$bjzdvjobhn", _id: "faw3bycr02", _cr$ 2017-09-11t16:32:27.336-0400 control  [signalprocessingthread] got signal 15 (terminated), terminate after current cmd ends 2017-09-11t16:32:27.336-0400 network  [signalprocessingthread] shutdown: going close listening sockets... 2017-09-11t16:32:27.336-0400 network  [signalprocessingthread] closing listening socket: 7 2017-09-11t16:32:27.336-0400 network  [signalprocessingthread] closing listening socket: 8 2017-09-11t16:32:27.336-0400 network  [signalprocessingthread] removing socket file: /tmp/mongodb-27017.sock 2017-09-11t16:32:27.336-0400 network  [signalprocessingthread] shutdown: going flush diaglog... 2017-09-11t16:32:27.336-0400 ftdc     [signalprocessingthread] shutting down full-time diagnostic data capture 2017-09-11t16:32:27.367-0400 storage  [signalprocessingthread] wiredtigerkvengine shutting down 2017-09-11t16:32:28.325-0400 storage  [signalprocessingthread] shutdown: removing fs lock... 2017-09-11t16:32:28.325-0400 control  [signalprocessingthread] exiting 2017-09-11t16:32:28.325-0400 control  [signalprocessingthread] shutting down code:0 2017-09-11t16:35:41.654-0400 control  [main] ***** server restarted ***** 

above 1 shutdown next. had issue last week script being ran send sudo shutdown every hour, on hour. removed crontab , it's been fine since thursday, today popped up.



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