javascript - is not a function Error in Angular2 -
i using angular2 build poc.
here route looks :
routermodule.forroot([ { path:'', redirectto:'app', pathmatch:'full', }, { path:'contact-list', component:contactslistcomponent }, { path:'contact-details/:id', component:contactcardcomponent }])
in contactslistcomponent
looping through data getting service.
<li *ngfor = "let contact of contacts ;trackby : trackbyid;let = index;let c = count;let e = even; let o = odd;" [ngclass] = "{ odd : o, even: e }"> index : {{i}} count : {{c}} <a [routerlink] = "['/contact-details',]"> {{}} </a> </li> </ul>
and now, in contactcardcomponent
import { component,input,output,eventemitter,oninit } '@angular/core'; import { contact } './contact'; import { activatedroute } '@angular/router'; import { contactservice } './contact-service'; import 'rxjs/add/operator/map'; import 'rxjs/add/operator/switchmap'; @component({ selector:'contact-card', template:` <div class="contact-card"> <p>{{ }} ( {{ selectedcontact.age }} )</p> <p>{{ }}</p> </div> <button (click) = "sendnotification()">notify parent!</button> `, providers:[contactservice] }) export class contactcardcomponent implements oninit{ id : string; selectedcontact : contact; @output() notifyparentcomponent : eventemitter<any> = new eventemitter(); constructor(private route : activatedroute,private _contactservice : contactservice){ } ngoninit(){ this.selectedcontact = this.route.snapshot.params['id'] .switchmap(id => this._contactservice.getcontact(id)) .subscribe(contact => this.selectedcontact = contact); } sendnotification(){ this.notifyparentcomponent.emit('emitted value parent'); } }
it says error_handler.js:54 exception: uncaught (in promise): error: error in :0:0 caused by: not function error: error in :0:0 caused by: not function
what doing wrong? can please explain logic also?
the service looks :
import {injectable} '@angular/core'; import { contact } './contact'; import { contacts } './mock-contacts'; @injectable() export class contactservice{ getcontacts() : contact[]{ return contacts; } getcontact(id : number) : promise<contact>{ return this.getcontactsslowly(). then(contacts => contacts.find(contact => == id)); } getcontactsslowly() : promise<contact[]> { return new promise(resolve => { settimeout(() => resolve(this.getcontacts()),1000); }); } }
-as name suggests- snapshot of route, there no observable property on it.
so can : (note need import 'rxjs/add/operator/pluck'
in ts file)
this.route.params.pluck('id') .switchmap((id: number) => observable.frompromise(this._contactservice.getcontact(id))) .subscribe(contact => this.selectedcontact = contact);
or :
this._contactservice.getcontact(+this.route.snapshot.params['id']) .then(contact => this.selectedcontact = contact);
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