java - Get Bit values from Byte Array -

i have byte array need read specific bits , convert int (see byte array structure below). though bits information want read in 3 bytes, tried reading 4 bytes (6-9) integer , read bits integer value bits or bitsvalue method somehow not able see right values bit manipulation. , expertise in bits pretty sure doing wrong. can please suggest doing correctly , why not working. in advance!!

byte array in little endian format.

0th byte - value 1st byte - value 2nd - 5th byte - value 6th - 9th byte - first 18 bits represent value - next 5 bits represent value - next 1 bit represent value - last 8 bits represent value

 public class test {    public static void main(string... dataprovider) {     string s = "46 00 ef 30 e9 08 cc a5 03 43";     byte[] bytes = new byte[s.length()];     bytes = hexstringtobytearray(s);      int bytepointer = 0;     int msgtype = getintfromsinglebyte(bytes[bytepointer]); // 0th byte     int version = getintfromsinglebyte(bytes[++bytepointer]); // 1st byte     int tickinms = getintvalue(bytes, ++bytepointer); // 2nd-5th bytes      bytepointer = bytepointer + 4;     int headr = getintvalue(bytes, bytepointer); // 6th-9th bytes     int utctime = bits(headr, 0, 18); // 6th-9th bytes - 18 bits     int reserved = bits(headr, 18, 5); // 6th-9th bytes- 5 bits     int reportorevent = bits(headr, 23, 1); // 6th-9th bytes - 1 bits     int reportid = bitsvalue(headr, 24, 32); // 6th-9th- 8 bits    }        public static int getintfromsinglebyte(byte data) {         return (data & 0xff);       }        public static int getintvalue(byte[] bytes, int startposition) {         byte[] dest = new byte[4];         system.arraycopy(bytes, startposition, dest, 0, dest.length);         return toint(dest);       }        // took stack overflow       static int bits(int n, int offset, int length) {         // shift bits rightward, desired chunk @ right end         n = n >> (31 - offset - length);         // prepare mask rightmost `length` bits 1's         int mask = ~(-1 << length);         // 0 out bits right chunk         return n & mask;       }        public static int bitsvalue(int intnum, int startbitpos, int endbitpos) {         // parameters checking ignored         int tempvalue = intnum << endbitpos;         return tempvalue >> (startbitpos + endbitpos);       }        public static byte[] hexstringtobytearray(final string s) {         string[] splits = s.split(" ");         final byte[] data = new byte[splits.length];         (int = 0; < splits.length; i++) {           char first = splits[i].length() < 2 ? '0' : splits[i].charat(0);           char second = splits[i].length() < 2 ? splits[i].charat(0) : splits[i].charat(1);           data[i] = (byte) ((character.digit(first, 16) << 4) + character.digit(second, 16));         }     return data;   }    public static int toint(byte[] data) {     if (data == null || data.length != 4)       return 0x0;      return (int) ((0xff & data[0]) << 24 | (0xff & data[1]) << 16 | (0xff & data[2]) << 8         | (0xff & data[3]) << 0);   } } 

wrapping input data in bytebuffer simplify parsing , allow adjust endianness necessary.

your bits method wrong. constant 31 should 32. also, method uses msb 0 bit numbering, odd little-endian data. should confirm input documented using bit numbering scheme.

your bitsvalue method wrong too. may use bits after fixing it.

this code simpler , extracts bit fields correctly:

public static void main(string... args) {     string s = "46 0 79 37 a8 3 9f 37 1 43 eb 7a f 3 3 fe c4 1 c5 4 c5 5e";     byte[] input = hexstringtobytearray(s);      // wrap input in bytebuffer parsing. adjust endianness if necessary.     bytebuffer buffer = bytebuffer.wrap(input).order(byteorder.big_endian);      int msgtype = buffer.get() & 0xff;     int version = buffer.get() & 0xff;     int tickinms = buffer.getint();     int header = buffer.getint();      int utctime = bits(header, 0, 18);          // 6th-9th bytes - 18 bits     int reserved = bits(header, 18, 5);         // 6th-9th bytes - 5 bits     int reportorevent = bits(header, 23, 1);    // 6th-9th bytes - 1 bit     int reportid = bits(header, 24, 8);         // 6th-9th bytes - 8 bits      system.out.printf("utc: %d, report? %d, id: %d\n", utctime, reportorevent, reportid); }  /**  * extract bit field int. bit numbering msb 0.  */ public static int bits(int n, int offset, int length) {     return n >> (32 - offset - length) & ~(-1 << length); } 


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