angular2 routing - angular 2 passing parameters to named router-outlet? -

i sending parameters through named router-outlet childcomponent. in child component when try access params undefined.

here route-config file

{ path: 'contact-hold/:id', component: operationcomponent, outlet: 'popup' } 

here link:

<a [routerlink]="['\',{outlets:{popup:['hold',1]}}]">hold</a> 

here looks in browser:


and here router-outlet have kept in appcomponent:

<router-outlet name="popup"></router-outlet> 

i accessing param in operation component:

this.route.queryparams.subscribe(params=> {             console.log(params["id"]);     })   

i have gone trough other questions in stackoverflow , implemented solution still it's not working. might wrong code?

try :

import { activatedroute } '@angular/router';  routesub: any;  constructor(     private route: activatedroute ) {}  this.routesub = this.route.params.subscribe((params) => {     console.log('params', params); }) 


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