android - showing contacts by filtering account_type column from RawContacts -

im getting showing contacts on recyclerview , below code retrieve contacts

 uri;               return  new cursorloader(getactivity(),contact_uri,null,null,null,build.version.sdk_int                     >= build.version_codes.honeycomb ?                     contactscontract.contacts.display_name_primary :                     contactscontract.contacts.display_name+ "asc"); 

but contacts being shown multiple times decided filter contacts on account_type column. below code filter based on account_type

if(list.getstring(list.getcolumnindex("account_type")).equals("local phone account") || list.getstring(list.getcolumnindex("account_type")).equals("sim account") ) {              textview.settext(list.getstring(list.getcolumnindex(build.version.sdk_int                     >= build.version_codes.honeycomb ?                     contactscontract.contacts.display_name_primary :                     contactscontract.contacts.display_name)));             number.settext(list.getstring(list.getcolumnindex(;         number.settext(list.getstring(list.getcolumnindex("account_type")));          } 

problem values of account_type sim , phone contacts varies device device. in samsung gt-l9082 gives values sim "sim account" , phone "local phone account" when tested on galaxy j5 shows different values against account_type sim , phone contacts.i want show sim , phone contacts

this not way go. table of all phones in contacts db, not contacts. if filter 1 account, if contact contains more 1 phone, it'll appear twice in list.

if want display 1 row per contact, still need display phone in main list, can't use cursorloader paradigm (which sucks , wouldn't use anyway).

instead run simple query items in phones.content_uri table, , create hashmap contact_id list of numbers, , display 1 row per item in map, , you'll access contact's list of phones display.

map<string, list<string>> contacts = new hashmap<string, list<string>>();  string[] projection = { phone.contact_id, phone.display_name, phone.number }; cursor cur = cr.query(phone.content_uri, projection, null, null, null);  while (cur != null && cur.movetonext()) {     long id = cur.getlong(0);     string name = cur.getstring(1);     string data = cur.getstring(2); // actual info, e.g. +1-212-555-1234      log.d(tag, "got " + id + ", " + name + ", " + data);      // add info existing list if contact-id found, or create new list in case it's new     string key = id + " - " + name;     list<string> infos;     if (contacts.containskey(key)) {         infos = contacts.get(key);     } else {         infos = new arraylist<string>();         contacts.put(key, infos);     }     infos.add(data); }  // can iterate on 'contacts' map display contacts 


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