vuejs2 - For recursive components, make sure to provide the "name" option -

i have created component this

<template>   <span class="my-icon">     <img :src="isrc" :alt="iname" />   </span> </template>  <script>   export default {     props: ['iname'],     computed: {       isrc() {         return require('../../../assets/images/' + this.iname + '.png')       }     }   } </script> 

using inside page like

<template>     <div>         <h3>share it:</h3>         <social-sharing inline-template network-tag="a">           <div class="my-icons">               <network network="facebook" class="fb-icon">                 <icon name="fb" />                     </network>           </div>         </social-sharing>     </div> </template>  <script>     import icon '~/comps/icon.vue'     export default {         components: {             icon         }     } </script> 

which throwing error

[vue warn]: unknown custom element: <icon> - did register component correctly? recursive components, make sure provide "name" option. 

social-sharing vuejs plugin, if use icon component outside social-sharing works fine, inside throws error.

this because using inline-template special attribute on <social-sharing> component.

from documentation:

when inline-template special attribute present on child component, component use inner content template, rather treating distributed content.

everything inside <social-sharing> tag being treated if template definition component. and, since <icon> component being registered outside <social-sharing> component's scope, doesn't know <icon> tag.

since looks <social-sharing> component dependant on inline-template definition, thing can think register <icon> component globally:

// in main.js file import icon '~/comps/icon.vue' vue.component('icon', icon); 

then, since <icon> component in global scope, <social-sharing> component have reference it.


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