Angular page not found when it's refreshed -

this question has answer here:

i faced strange issue while deploying angular project on local server. built project , copied webserver folder can accessed using: http://localhost/angular/

base href set , app working fine. when click link, it's working, ex: http://localhost/angular/apartments if refresh, it's gone 404 error showing.

if server apache create file name of .htaccess paste data

 <ifmodule mod_rewrite.c>      options indexes followsymlinks      rewriteengine on      rewritebase /myappdirectory/      rewriterule ^index\.html$ - [l]      rewritecond %{request_filename} !-f      rewritecond %{request_filename} !-d      rewriterule . /index.html [l]  <--- index.html file path starting public html folder  </ifmodule> 

update last line according command

save , refresh page. luckily page works

for iis server follow link


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