html - How to get user friendly URLs without any file extensions? -
i've been wondering long time how people manage urls work without file extentions such '.html' or '.apsx' on end.
look @ website example:
how have accomplished this? method can think of create new directory each page , have index page in each directory huge hassle larger website. there other way?
the 3 common ways to:
- use index pages (i.e. create directory , put
file in it). - use rewrite engine (such apache's mod_rewrite) map urls onto different files (this common approach in php-land).
- use front controller script processes urls (this usual approach mvc frameworks).
the latter approach use in apache server configuration:
wsgidaemonprocess example processes=2 threads=15 display-name=%{group} wsgiprocessgroup example wsgiscriptalias / /hosts/
sethandler fcgid-script alias / /hosts/example/application.fcgi/
for scripts using wsgi (python) or fastcgi (cross-language, particular example cribbed perl application i'm writing) respectively.
the url format handled script itself, , different frameworks take different approaches problem.
in catalyst, done providing attributes subroutine names.
dancer has own route handler syntax.
web::simple uses subroutine prototypes.
django uses a separate file containing list of patterns.
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