Testing a signup confirmation with Rspec/Factory Girl/Rails -
trying create rspec/factory girl test make sure devise's confirmation on signup covered - site has 3 languages (japanese, english, chinese) want make sure nothing breaks signup process.
i have following factories: user.rb
<< has needed general user mailer tests signup.rb
factorygirl.define factory :signup token "fwoefurklj102939" email "abcd@ek12o9d.com" end end
the devise user_mailer method want test is:
def confirmation_instructions(user, token, opts={}) @user = user set_language_user_only mail to: @user.email, charset: (@user.language == user::language_ja ? 'iso-2022-jp' : 'utf8') end
i cannot life of me figure out how token
part work in test - advice or ideas?
i have been trying along these lines (to check email being sent) without success:
describe usermailer, type: :mailer describe "sending email" after(:all) { actionmailer::base.deliveries.clear } context "japanese user emails" subject(:signup) { create(:signup) } subject(:user) { create(:user) } subject(:mail) usermailer.confirmation_instructions(user, token, opts={}) end "sends email successfully" expect { mail.deliver }.to change { actionmailer::base.deliveries.size }.by(1) end end end end
the resulting error undefined local variable or method
token'and cannot work out why not coming the
signup` factory. tried changing
subject(:mail) usermailer.confirmation_instructions(user, token, opts={}) end
subject(:mail) usermailer.confirmation_instructions(user, signup.token, opts={}) end
but received error:
failure/error: subject(:signup) { create(:signup) } nameerror: uninitialized constant signup
edit: forgot mention important - actual code works user signups in 3 languages, inexperience testing @ fault.
subject(:mail) usermailer.confirmation_instructions(user, user.confirmation_token) end
this varies of course depending on exact implementation user class should generating token:
require 'secure_random' class user before_create :generate_confirmation_token! def generate_confirmation_token! confirmation_token = securerandom.urlsafe_base64 end end
creating separate factory unnecessary , won't work since factorygirl try create instance of signup
i'm guessing don't have.
factories not fixtures.
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