c# - How to make my constructor async in UWP MVVM model? (MVVM Lighttoolkit) -

i have uwp project want reads storagefolder videoslibrary , show list of mp4 files @ views thumbnail.

with mvvm ligth toolkit have setup 4 flies xaml. xaml using uwp community toolkit wrap panel.


namespace uwp.viewmodels { /// <summary> /// class contains static reference view models in  /// application , provides entry point bindings. /// </summary>  class viewmodellocator {     /// <summary>     /// initializes new instance of viewmodellocator class.     /// </summary>     public viewmodellocator()     {         servicelocator.setlocatorprovider(() => simpleioc.default);         if (viewmodelbase.isindesignmodestatic)         {             // create  design time view services , models         }         else         {             // create run time view services , models         }         //register services used here          simpleioc.default.register<videolistmodel>();     }       public videolistmodel videolistmodel     {         { return servicelocator.current.getinstance<videolistmodel>();      } } } 

2) videolistitem.cs

namespace uwp.models { class videolistitem : viewmodelbase {     public string videoname { get; set; }     public string author { get; set; }     public uri vid_url { get; set; }     public bitmapimage image { get; set; }      public videolistitem(string videoname,string author,uri url, bitmapimage img)     {         this.videoname = videoname;         this.author = author;         this.vid_url = url;         this.image = img;     } } } 

3) videolistmodel.cs

namespace uwp.viewmodels { class videolistmodel : viewmodelbase {     public observablecollection<videolistitem> videoitems { get; set; }      private videolistitem videoitems;      public videolistmodel()     {      }      public async static task<list<videolistitem>> getvideoitem()     {         list<videolistitem> videoitems = new list<videolistitem>();         storagefolder videos_folder = await knownfolders.videoslibrary.createfolderasync("videos");         var queryoptions = new queryoptions(commonfilequery.defaultquery, new[] { ".mp4" });         var videos = await videos_folder.createfilequerywithoptions(queryoptions).getfilesasync();           foreach (var video in videos)         {             //debug.writeline(video.name);             //videoitems.add(new videolistitem());             var bitmap = new bitmapimage();             var thumbnail = await video.getthumbnailasync(thumbnailmode.singleitem);             await bitmap.setsourceasync(thumbnail);             videoitems.add(new videolistitem(video.displayname, "", new uri(video.path),bitmap));          }          //foreach(var video in videoitems)         //{         //    debug.writeline("name:{0} , author:{1}, uri:{2}, bitmap:{3}", video.videoname, video.author, video.vid_url, video.image.urisource);         //}           return videoitems;     }   } } 

4) video.xaml

<page xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation"   xmlns:x="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml"   xmlns:local="using:uwp.views"   xmlns:d="http://schemas.microsoft.com/expression/blend/2008"   xmlns:mc="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/markup-compatibility/2006"   xmlns:controls="using:microsoft.toolkit.uwp.ui.controls"   x:class="uwp.views.video"   mc:ignorable="d"   navigationcachemode="enabled"   datacontext="{binding source={staticresource viewmodellocator},path=videolistmodel}"> <!--navigationcachemode enable page state save--> <page.resources>     <datatemplate x:key="videotemplate">         <grid width="{binding width}"               height="{binding height}"               margin="2">             <image horizontalalignment="center"                    stretch="uniformtofill"                    source="{binding image}" />             <textblock text="{binding videoname}"/>             <stackpanel orientation="horizontal">                 <textblock text="author" />                 <textblock text="{binding author}" />             </stackpanel>         </grid>     </datatemplate> </page.resources>  <grid background="{themeresource applicationpagebackgroundthemebrush}">     <listview name="videoslistwrappanal"               itemtemplate="{staticresource videotemplate}">         <itemscontrol.itemspanel>             <itemspaneltemplate>                 <controls:wrappanel />             </itemspaneltemplate>         </itemscontrol.itemspanel>     </listview>  </grid> </page> 

i wanted below in videolistmodel constructor.

public async mainviewmodel() {    videoitems = new observablecollection<mainmenuitem>(await getvideoitem());  } 

how can accomplish initialization in asynchronous way? thumbnail have created method of getvideoitem(), can't find way call getvideoitem asynchronously in constructor. know how solve task?

i recommend using asynchronous task notifier, described in article on async mvvm data binding.

e.g., using notifytask this helper library:

public notifytask<list<videolistitem>> videoitems { get; }  public videolistmodel(iknownfolderreader knownfolder) {   _knownfolder = knownfolder;   videoitems = notifytask.create(() => _knownfolder.getdata()); } 

your data binding change itemssource="{binding videoitems}" itemssource="{binding videoitems.result}". in addition, videoitems has several other properties such isnotcompleted , isfaulted data binding can show/hide elements based on state of task.

this approach avoids subtle problems result , problems continuewith.


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