vb.net - Copy worksheet to another workbook VB in different excel instance -

i need copy worksheet 1 workbook workbook in different excel instance. got error ('exception hresult: 0x800a03ec) @ "inputsht.copy(after:=chartsheet)" line when using below code, can tell me wrong please.(excelwb defined public var.)

private sub chartinexcelbtn_click(sender object, e routedeventargs) handles chartinexcelbtn.click      dim excelwb excel.workbook     dim inputsht worksheet     dim chartfile excel.application = new microsoft.office.interop.excel.application()     dim chartworkbook excel.workbook     dim chartsheet excel.worksheet       excelwb = system.runtime.interopservices.marshal.bindtomoniker(xlfile)     inputsht = excelwb.worksheets("input")       chartworkbook = chartfile.workbooks.add     chartsheet = chartworkbook.worksheets.add      'inputsht.copy(after:=chartworkbook.worksheets("sheet1"))     inputsht.copy(after:=chartsheet)      chartfile.visible = true   end sub 

i found answer in below link: copy worksheet 1 instance of excel another

so change code below , working:

private sub chartinexcelbtn_click(sender object, e routedeventargs) handles chartinexcelbtn.click     dim excelwb excel.workbook     dim inputsht worksheet     dim chartfile excel.application = new microsoft.office.interop.excel.application()       excelwb = system.runtime.interopservices.marshal.bindtomoniker(xlfile)     inputsht = excelwb.worksheets("input")     inputsht.copy(type.missing, type.missing)     excelapp.displayalerts = false     excelapp.workbooks(2).saveas("c:\test.xlsx")      chartfile.workbooks.open("c:\test.xlsx", notify:=false, readonly:=true)     chartfile.visible = true     excelapp.workbooks(2).close(savechanges:=false)    end sub 


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