excel - VBA - copy rows - if it found error, then continue in copy cells -

i have macro copy cells below's cells.

sub copyrows2()  dim lastrow long  worksheets("ready upload") ' <-- here should sheet's name     lastrow = .cells(.rows.count, "ad").end(xlup).row ' last row in column c  = 2 lastrow if range("ad" & i) > "" , range("ad" & + 1) = ""     range("ad" & i).copy     range("ad" & + 1).pastespecial xlpastevalues     application.cutcopymode = false  else      end if next  end  activewindow.scrollrow = 1 'scrolling screen top  end sub 

it works fine, until found #n/a, give me error msg: run-time error '13' - type mismatch. in case, skip , continue in copy rows.

[enter image description here

could advise me, how that, please?

many thanks!

option 1

the easiest way embed on error resume next in code. work.

option 2 if want 1 step more professional, can use this:

sub copyrows2()      dim lastrow long      on error resume next      'your code      if err.number = 13 err.clear     on error goto 0  end sub 

it disregard error 13, tell if there other errors, quite useful.

option 3 check error this:

if not iserror(range("ad" & i)) , not iserror(range("ad" & + 1))     'embed code here end if 


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