java - Apache Jena - get all resources with property -

i'm facing problem , can't seem find solution in net. in project have rdf model various smartphones, described this:

<rdf:description rdf:about="">     <device-name>google pixel xl2</device-name>     <screen-size>big</screen-size>     <primary-camera-resolution>13</primary-camera-resolution> </rdf:description> 

is there way i'm able find devices in apache jena with, f.e. "screen-size" property set "big"? regards, lukas.

model m = rdfdatamgr.loadmodel("phones.rdf", lang.rdfxml); m.listresourceswithproperty(m.createproperty("screen-size"), m.createliteral("big"))         .foreachremaining(system.out::println); 

prints them console


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