java - How to "pre-load" a fragments view tree? -

i have app uses fragments display view (wether or not shouldn´t discussed here please.)

i have fragment ifirstfragment modally shows isecondfragment. view tree (= xml file) of isecondfragment rather complex (many views). on slow devices notice significant loading time (~1 second) when displaying isecondfragment.

i want reduce "loading time" instant using code. call hack, trick, or common sense:

public class mainactivity extends appcompatactivity {  firstfragment ifirstfragment; secondfragment isecondfragment;  fragmenttransaction ifragmenttransaction;  @override protected void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate) {     super.oncreate(savedinstancestate);     setcontentview(r.layout.activity_main);      ifirstfragment = new firstfragment();     isecondfragment = new secondfragment();       // adding isecondfragment , instantly hide it, view inflated.     ifragmenttransaction= getsupportfragmentmanager().begintransaction();     ifragmenttransaction.add(, ifirstfragment, firstfragment.fragment_tag);     ifragmenttransaction.add(, isecondfragment, secondfragment.fragment_tag);     ifragmenttransaction.hide(isecondfragment);     ifragmenttransaction.commit();  }   @override protected void onstart() {     super.onstart();    }  public void showsecondfragment() {     ifragmenttransaction= getsupportfragmentmanager().begintransaction();      ifragmenttransaction.hide(ifirstfragment);;       ifragmenttransaction.addtobackstack(null);     ifragmenttransaction.commit(); } 


when mainactivity loaded, both add firstfragment , secondfragment activity, instantly hide secondfragment. firstfragment shown now. now, when button pressed , showsecondfragment() called, instead of doing fragmenttransaction.replace() show fragment. i hoping show the secondfragment instantly, still loads longer.

i created minimal working example problem @ github: fragmenttransactiontest


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