multithreading - Add several individual threads to MQTT Python code -

this code , need add,

(1) loop(thread1) can publish data when receive specific data uart(

(2) loop(thread2) can run report_temp_humidity() timed delay

so put thread test runs 1 time, not loop.

is cause "mqttclient.loop_forever()" @ end of line?

need on this.

import paho.mqtt.client mqtt import adafruit_dht import adafruit_bbio.uart uart import serial import threading import time  # dht-11 temperature & humidity sensor = adafruit_dht.dht11 sensor_pin = 'p8_11'  # uart uart.setup("uart1") ser = serial.serial(port = "/dev/ttyo1", baudrate=9600) ser.close()  # define event callbacks def on_connect(self, client, userdata, rc):         if rc == 0:                 print("connected successfully.")         else:                 print("connection failed. rc= "+str(rc))  def on_publish(client, userdata, mid):         print("message "+str(mid)+" published.")  def on_subscribe(client, userdata, mid, granted_qos):         print("subscribe mid "+str(mid)+" received.")  def on_message(client, userdata, msg):         print("message received on topic "+msg.topic+" qos "+str(msg.qos)+"and payload "+msg.payload)          if msg.payload == "check_status":             report_temp_humidity()         if msg.payload == "motor_run!":             print "send command rf"             ser.write("11.1111[s]")  # define function prototypes def report_temp_humidity():         hum, temp = adafruit_dht.read_retry(sensor, sensor_pin)         mqttclient.publish("/my_topic1/", "temperature "+ str(temp) + "`c", qos=0)         mqttclient.publish("/my_topic1/", "humidity " + str(hum) + "%", qos=0)  # define thread(loop) test def loop_test(delay):         print(loop!)         time.sleep(1)    t1 = threading.thread(target=loop_test, args=('1,',)) t1.start()   mqttclient = mqtt.client()  # assign event callbacks mqttclient.on_connect = on_connect mqttclient.on_publish = on_publish mqttclient.on_subscribe = on_subscribe mqttclient.on_message = on_message  # connect mqttclient.username_pw_set("dioty_user", "1234567") mqttclient.connect("", 1883)  # start subscription mqttclient.subscribe("/my_topic1/")  # publish message mqttclient.publish("/my_topic1/", "hello world message!")  # loop mqttclient.loop_forever() 

this has nothing mqtt library.

your thread t1 run loop_test function, has 2 statements in it. run these (once) exit, there nothing tell continue else.

if want thread continue run ever need include loop statement of sort (e.g. while true).


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