c# - I am trying to export an excel and make it password protected. My code is given below.But i am getting error -

i trying export excel , make password protected.

my code given below.

but getting error:

excel completed file level validation , repair.

some parts of workbook may have been repaired or discarded.

i don't know doing wrong .

in-case without save line package error doesn't appear.

in controller:

    [httpget]     public filestreamresult exporttoexcel()     {         _objservice = new servicebal();         list<reconcilationentity> objmodel = new list<reconcilationentity>();         objmodel = _objservice.getcreditsudharleads();         string url = string.empty;         if (!directory.exists(server.mappath("~/tempexcel")))         {             system.io.directory.createdirectory(server.mappath("~/tempexcel"));         }         string filepath = server.mappath("~/tempexcel");         string date = datetime.now.toshortdatestring().replace("/", "_") + "_" + datetime.now.toshorttimestring().replace(" ", "_").replace(":", "_").trim();         string filename = "creditsudhar_" + date + ".xlsx";         filepath = filepath + "\\" + filename;         string[] columns = { "affname", "affphone", "affemail", "productname", "contactname", "status", "createdon", "commission", "iscommissionpaid", "accountname", "accountnumber", "bankname", "bankbranch", "ifsccode", "pannumber" };         var file = excelexporthelper.exportexcel(excelexporthelper.listtodatatable(objmodel), filepath, "creditsudhar reconcillation sheet " + datetime.now.toshortdatestring(), true, columns);         var memstream = new memorystream(file);         return this.file(memstream, "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet", filename);     }      public static string excelcontenttype     {               { return "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet"; }     }      public static datatable listtodatatable<t>(list<t> data)     {         propertydescriptorcollection properties = typedescriptor.getproperties(typeof(t));         datatable datatable = new datatable();          (int = 0; < properties.count; i++)         {             propertydescriptor property = properties[i];             datatable.columns.add(property.name, nullable.getunderlyingtype(property.propertytype) ?? property.propertytype);         }          object[] values = new object[properties.count];         foreach (t item in data)         {             (int = 0; < values.length; i++)             {                 values[i] = properties[i].getvalue(item);             }              datatable.rows.add(values);         }         return datatable;     }      public static byte[] exportexcel(datatable datatable, string filepath, string heading = "", bool showsrno = false, params string[] columnstotake)     {         string fullpath = string.empty;         byte[] ret;          deleteuploadedfile(filepath);         string result = string.empty;         using (excelpackage package = new excelpackage())         {             excelworksheet worksheet = package.workbook.worksheets.add(string.format("{0} data", heading));             int startrowfrom = string.isnullorempty(heading) ? 1 : 3;             if (showsrno)             {                 datacolumn datacolumn = datatable.columns.add("#", typeof(int));                 datacolumn.setordinal(0);                 int index = 1;                 foreach (datarow item in datatable.rows)                 {                     item[0] = index;                     index++;                 }             }             // add content excel file               worksheet.cells["a" + startrowfrom].loadfromdatatable(datatable, true);              // autofit width of cells small content               int columnindex = 1;             foreach (datacolumn column in datatable.columns)             {                 try                 {                     excelrange columncells = worksheet.cells[worksheet.dimension.start.row, columnindex, worksheet.dimension.end.row, columnindex];                     int maxlength = columncells.max(cell => cell.value.tostring().count());                     if (maxlength < 150)                     {                         worksheet.column(columnindex).autofit();                     }                     columnindex++;                 }                 catch (exception ex)                 {                     if (!(ex system.threading.threadabortexception))                     {                         //log other errors here                     }                 }              }              // format header - bold, yellow on black               using (excelrange r = worksheet.cells[startrowfrom, 1, startrowfrom, datatable.columns.count])             {                 r.style.font.color.setcolor(system.drawing.color.white);                 r.style.font.bold = true;                 r.style.fill.patterntype = officeopenxml.style.excelfillstyle.solid;                 r.style.fill.backgroundcolor.setcolor(system.drawing.colortranslator.fromhtml("#1fb5ad"));             }              // format cells - add borders               using (excelrange r = worksheet.cells[startrowfrom + 1, 1, startrowfrom + datatable.rows.count, datatable.columns.count])             {                 r.style.border.top.style = excelborderstyle.thin;                 r.style.border.bottom.style = excelborderstyle.thin;                 r.style.border.left.style = excelborderstyle.thin;                 r.style.border.right.style = excelborderstyle.thin;                 r.style.border.top.color.setcolor(system.drawing.color.black);                 r.style.border.bottom.color.setcolor(system.drawing.color.black);                 r.style.border.left.color.setcolor(system.drawing.color.black);                 r.style.border.right.color.setcolor(system.drawing.color.black);             }              // removed ignored columns               (int = datatable.columns.count - 1; >= 0; i--)             {                 if (i == 0 && showsrno)                 {                     continue;                 }                 if (!columnstotake.contains(datatable.columns[i].columnname))                 {                     worksheet.deletecolumn(i + 1);                 }             }              if (!string.isnullorempty(heading))             {                 worksheet.cells["a1"].value = heading;                 worksheet.cells["a1"].style.font.size = 20;                 worksheet.insertcolumn(1, 1);                 worksheet.insertrow(1, 1);                 worksheet.column(1).width = 5;             }             system.io.fileinfo fileinfo2 = new system.io.fileinfo(filepath);             deleteuploadedfile(filepath);             worksheet.protection.setpassword("mypassword");             worksheet.protection.isprotected = true;             worksheet.protection.allowselectunlockedcells = false;             worksheet.protection.allowselectlockedcells = false;             package.saveas(fileinfo2, "mypassword");             ret = package.getasbytearray();               return ret;         }     }      public static void deleteuploadedfile(string filepath)     {         try         {             if (system.io.file.exists(filepath))             {                 system.io.file.delete(filepath);             }         }         catch (exception ex)         { }     }      public static byte[] exportexcel<t>(list<t> data, string filepath, string heading = "", bool showslno = false, params string[] columnstotake)     {         return exportexcel(listtodatatable<t>(data), filepath, heading, showslno, columnstotake);     } 

an answer mentioned saveas close package, correct steps returning saved file array instead of using getasbytearray afterwards. or use getasbytearray(passwords) without saveas.


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