How do I plot the x axis line using Highcharts when pegged at 0? -

how plot x axis line bar chart pegged @ 0, when have positive , negative values (i.e. bars on both side of x axis)?

it not different plotting normal column chart. use negative values , highcharts scale chart automatically.

highcharts.chart('container', {     chart: {         type: 'column'     },     title: {         text: 'column chart negative values'     },     xaxis: {         categories: ['apples', 'oranges', 'pears', 'grapes', 'bananas']     },     credits: {         enabled: false     },     series: [{         name: 'john',         data: [5, 3, 4, 7, 2]     }, {         name: 'jane',         data: [2, -2, -3, 2, 1]     }, {         name: 'joe',         data: [3, 4, 4, -2, 5]     }] }); 

jsfiddle: link


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