Logic error using .erase (C++) -

so program reading input of numbers , lists them in order. seen in output. without use of algorithm library, sorted , getting rid of repeated data. however, if there data value repeated, last value of vector not printed. incorrectly using .erase?

void remove_repeated(int size, vector<int>& num_vec){     for(int = 0; < num_vec.size(); i++){         if(num_vec[i]==num_vec[i+1]){             num_vec.erase((num_vec.begin()+i));         }        } } 

output when no value repeated:

                 **welcome hw reading program**  please, enter hw:1-10   problems: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,and 10 

output when value repeated:

                 **welcome hw reading program**  please, enter hw: 1-10,1-3   problems: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,and 9 

after erase element @ index i vector, next element @ index i, not @ index i+1. have take care not go out of bounds when comparing i+1, ie loop has this:

for(int = 0; < num_vec.size()-1;){     if(num_vec[i]==num_vec[i+1]){         num_vec.erase((num_vec.begin()+i));     } else {         i++;     } } 

also should consider use standard library has offer. set contains unique elements, or can use erase+unique (see eg. here more details).


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