cordova - phonegap-plugin-push on("notification") event is not firing when app is in background -

i using following plugin push notification in ionic2

expected behaviour: when app closed, , notification received, , when user tap notification, on("notification") event should fire after app opens.

actual behaviour: getting notification successfully. when application in background or closed, @ time when receive notification , tap notification, on("notification") event not firing.

cordova version 7.0.1 android version 6.2.3

my code:

this.platform.ready().then(() => {     this.pushsetup(); });  private pushoptions: pushoptions; private pushobject: pushobject; pushsetup() {     // check if have permission     this.push.haspermission()         .then((res: any) => {             if (res.isenabled) {                 console.log('we have permission send push notifications');                 // configuration of push notification                 this.pushoptions = {                     android: {                         senderid: 'xxxxxxxxxxx',                         icon: 'icon_notification'                     },                     ios: {                         alert: 'true',                         badge: true,                         sound: 'false',                         senderid: 'xxxxxxxxxxx'                     },                     windows: {}                 };                 this.pushobject = this.push.init(this.pushoptions);                  // attach push events       'ispushregistered')                     .then(ispushregistered => {                         if( !ispushregistered ){                             this.pushobject.on('registration').subscribe((registration: any) => {                                 console.log('device registered', registration)                       'ispushregistered', true)                             });                         }                     })                   this.pushobject.on('notification').subscribe((notification: any) => {                     console.log('received notification', notification)                 });                 this.pushobject.on('error').subscribe(error => console.error('error push plugin', error));             }         }); } 

so, on code, can see this.pushobject.on('notification') event. not firing when app closed.

thank time , support.

below code has worked me. when app closed, , receive notification. if want handle click event looking payload data. have @ below code:

pushobject.on('notification').subscribe((notification: any) => {      // method called when click on notification when app closed     pushobject.finish().then(e => {             }).catch( e=> {               console.log("error notification",e);           }) }).catch( e=> { console.log("error notification",e); 



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