javascript - Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'attributes' of undefined -

hello trying perform delete operation in web app,when deleting element db, in console showing error.please give valuable solution in advance.

uncaught typeerror: cannot read property 'attributes' of undefined @ _cleartreeselection (orphancontroller.js:888) @ scope.$scope.clearselection (orphancontroller.js:659) @ htmldivelement.<anonymous> (orphancontroller.js:1058) 

at line number 888 code:

//this clear selectednode of angular tree on modal close _cleartreeselection = function () { $scope.orphandata.orphantext =  $scope.orphandata.orphan.attributes.text;//this line no.888 if ($scope.ontologytree && $scope.ontologytree.currentnode) {         $scope.ontologytree.currentnode = null;     } }; 

at line number 659 code:

$scope.clearselection = function () {     _cleartreeselection();//line no.659     _cleargazetteerselection(); }; 

at line number 1058 code:

_modal.on('', function () {     $scope.suggestionlistsearchtext = '';         $scope.clearselection();// line no. 1058     }); } 

i have checked on stackoverflow, cant find suitable solution problem.

this means $scope.orphandata.orphan undefined. find have declared object , sure refers object.


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