mysql transaction - roll back on any exception -

is possible roll automatically if error occurs on list of mysql commands?

for example along lines of:

begin transaction;  insert mytable values1 ... insert mytable values2 ...;  -- throw error  commit; 

now, on execute want whole transaction fail, , therefore should not see values1 in mytable. unfortunately table being pupulated values1 though transaction has errors.

any ideas how make roll back? (again, on error)?

edit - changed ddl standard sql

you can use declare ... handler syntax in following way:

delimiter $$  create procedure `sp_fail`() begin     declare `_rollback` bool default 0;     declare continue handler sqlexception set `_rollback` = 1;     start transaction;     insert `tablea` (`date`) values (now());     insert `tableb` (`date`) values (now());     insert `tablec` (`date`) values (now()); -- fail     if `_rollback`         rollback;     else         commit;     end if; end$$  delimiter ; 

for complete example, check following sql fiddle.


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