ios - Weird behavior when animating UILabel change of color -
i'm animating textcolor of uibutton's label
there's animation when user taps down , when touch inverts backgroundcolor , textcolor.
the problem animation on tap down changes color current color -> white, here animation cut , new color set
but when touch animation works fine new color -> previous color
here's code
override func begintracking(_ touch: uitouch, event: uievent?) -> bool { let location = touch.location(in: self) if self.layer.bounds.contains(location) { fade(tobackgroundcolor: textcolor, textcolor: bgcolor) return true } return false } override func continuetracking(_ touch: uitouch, event: uievent?) -> bool { let location = touch.location(in: self) if !self.layer.bounds.contains(location) { fade(tobackgroundcolor: bgcolor, textcolor: textcolor) return false } return true } override func endtracking(_ touch: uitouch?, event: uievent?) { fade(tobackgroundcolor: bgcolor, textcolor: textcolor) } func fade(tobackgroundcolor bgcolor: uicolor, textcolor: uicolor) { backgroundcolor = .clear let easing = camediatimingfunction(controlpoints: 0.25, 1.0, 0.25, 1) let bgcoloranimation = cabasicanimation(keypath: "backgroundcolor") bgcoloranimation.fromvalue = layer.backgroundcolor bgcoloranimation.tovalue = bgcolor.cgcolor bgcoloranimation.timingfunction = easing bgcoloranimation.duration = 0.3 uiview.transition(with: self.titlelabel!, duration: 0.3, options: [.curveeaseinout, .transitioncrossdissolve], animations: { self.titlelabel?.textcolor = textcolor }, completion: { _ in if self.layer.backgroundcolor == bgcolor.cgcolor { self.titlelabel?.textcolor = textcolor }else{ self.titlelabel?.textcolor = bgcolor } }) layer.add(bgcoloranimation, forkey: nil) layer.backgroundcolor = bgcolor.cgcolor }
i tried add catextlayer this
let textlayer = catextlayer() textlayer.frame = self.bounds textlayer.rasterizationscale = uiscreen.main.scale textlayer.contentsscale = uiscreen.main.scale textlayer.fontsize = (titlelabel?.font.pointsize)! textlayer.font = titlelabel?.font textlayer.foregroundcolor = uicolor.magenta.cgcolor textlayer.string = currenttitle ?? "" layer.addsublayer(textlayer)
but text not positioning properly
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