android espresso - adb shell am instrument process crashed -

i'm trying run espresso black box test on 3rd party apk file using test apk file. i've set testapplicationid in build.gradle, , targetpackage in androidmanifest.xml.

here's commands run:

adb install app-debug.apk success adb install app-debug-androidtest.apk success adb shell instrument -w instrumentation_result: shortmsg=process crashed. instrumentation_code: 0 

here's tomcat log:

09-11 22:22:17.065  8576  8576 d androidruntime: >>>>>> start uid 2000 <<<<<< 09-11 22:22:17.098  8576  8576 w app_process: unexpected cpu variant x86 using defaults: x86 09-11 22:22:17.116  8576  8576 d androidruntime: calling main entry 09-11 22:22:17.118  1510  2317 activitymanager: force stopping org.wikipedia.alpha appid=10102 user=0: start instr 09-11 22:22:17.123  8586  8586 zygote  : not late-enabling -xcheck:jni (already on) 09-11 22:22:17.130  1510  2317 activitymanager: start proc 8586:org.wikipedia.alpha/u0a102 added application org.wikipedia.alpha 09-11 22:22:17.131  8586  8586 w zygote  : unexpected cpu variant x86 using defaults: x86 09-11 22:22:17.149  8586  8586 w zygote  : found duplicate classes, falling extracting apk : /data/app/org.wikipedia.alpha-x9wevnaqogt3rth-c4ydpg==/base.apk 09-11 22:22:17.149  8586  8586 w zygote  : note: wastes ram , hurts startup performance. 09-11 22:22:17.149  8586  8586 w zygote  : found duplicated class when checking oat files: 'landroid/support/annotation/animres;' in /data/app/org.wikipedia.alpha-x9wevnaqogt3rth-c4ydpg==/base.apk , /data/app/ 09-11 22:22:17.149  8586  8586 w zygote  :  09-11 22:22:17.279  8586  8586 w system  : classloader referenced unknown path:  09-11 22:22:17.281  8586  8586 d androidruntime: shutting down vm 09-11 22:22:17.282  8586  8586 e androidruntime: fatal exception: main 09-11 22:22:17.282  8586  8586 e androidruntime: process: org.wikipedia.alpha, pid: 8586 09-11 22:22:17.282  8586  8586 e androidruntime: java.lang.runtimeexception: unable instantiate instrumentation componentinfo{}: java.lang.classnotfoundexception: didn't find class "" on path: dexpathlist[[],nativelibrarydirectories=[/system/lib, /system/vendor/lib]] 09-11 22:22:17.282  8586  8586 e androidruntime:    @ 09-11 22:22:17.282  8586  8586 e androidruntime:    @ source:0) 09-11 22:22:17.282  8586  8586 e androidruntime:    @$h.handlemessage( 09-11 22:22:17.282  8586  8586 e androidruntime:    @ android.os.handler.dispatchmessage( 09-11 22:22:17.282  8586  8586 e androidruntime:    @ android.os.looper.loop( 09-11 22:22:17.282  8586  8586 e androidruntime:    @ 09-11 22:22:17.282  8586  8586 e androidruntime:    @ java.lang.reflect.method.invoke(native method) 09-11 22:22:17.282  8586  8586 e androidruntime:    @$ 09-11 22:22:17.282  8586  8586 e androidruntime:    @ 09-11 22:22:17.282  8586  8586 e androidruntime: caused by: java.lang.classnotfoundexception: didn't find class "" on path: dexpathlist[[],nativelibrarydirectories=[/system/lib, /system/vendor/lib]] 09-11 22:22:17.282  8586  8586 e androidruntime:    @ dalvik.system.basedexclassloader.findclass( 09-11 22:22:17.282  8586  8586 e androidruntime:    @ java.lang.classloader.loadclass( 09-11 22:22:17.282  8586  8586 e androidruntime:    @ java.lang.classloader.loadclass( 09-11 22:22:17.282  8586  8586 e androidruntime:    @ 09-11 22:22:17.282  8586  8586 e androidruntime:    ... 8 more 09-11 22:22:17.284  8586  8586 process : sending signal. pid: 8586 sig: 9 09-11 22:22:17.328  1510  1522 activitymanager: process org.wikipedia.alpha (pid 8586) has died: fore fgs  09-11 22:22:17.329  1510  1522 w activitymanager: crash of app org.wikipedia.alpha running instrumentation componentinfo{} 09-11 22:22:17.329  1510  1522 activitymanager: force stopping org.wikipedia.alpha appid=10102 user=0: finished inst 09-11 22:22:17.330  1510  8604 w binder  : outgoing transactions process must flag_oneway 09-11 22:22:17.330  1510  8604 w binder  : java.lang.throwable 09-11 22:22:17.330  1510  8604 w binder  :  @ android.os.binderproxy.transact( 09-11 22:22:17.330  1510  8604 w binder  :  @$stub$proxy.instrumentationfinished( 09-11 22:22:17.330  1510  8604 w binder  :  @$ 09-11 22:22:17.331  8576  8576 d androidruntime: shutting down vm 

figured out, moved androidtest main


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