javascript - Repeat XHR until a certain response code is received -

i'm rather new js , i'm trying repeat xhr varying header, until http response code received. far i've come following code. did not write createcorsrequest function, i've copied other stackoverflow questions.

<script> function createcorsrequest(method, url){     var xhr = new xmlhttprequest();     if ("withcredentials" in xhr){, url, true);     } else if (typeof xdomainrequest != "undefined"){         xhr = new xdomainrequest();, url);     } else {         xhr = null;     }     return xhr;   }  (i = 1; < 10; i++){     var url = ""     var xhr = createcorsrequest('put', url);     xhr.withcredentials = true;     xhr.setrequestheader('content-type', "application/json");     xhr.setrequestheader('x-counter', i);     xhr.send("{ \"body\": \"data\"}")      var xhr_status = xhr.status     console.log("log: "+i+" status: "+xhr_status)     if (xhr_status == 200){ break; } } </script> 

my problem is, xhr.status 0. assume has javascript being asynchronous - i'm not sure.

how can check xhr status after each request?


the settimeout approach seems viable solution, i'm new js, don't quite understand jquery yet. able explaining how can used in code snippet?


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