sql server 2008 - SQL Count Duplicates where field has same month -

i'm trying count of duplicates of col dp & col rn col edate has particular month.

i have count single occurrences month can't work out how revise count how many duplicates exist particular month.

select count(*) (select * (select dp, rn, edate, count(*)over(partition dp, rn) your_count         etable) your_count = 1 , month(edate) = 08) x 

example (trying count duplicates of dp & rn month august)

dp         rn        edate dp1        rp1      2017-08-09     <--yes dp2        rp1      2017-08-09 dp3        rp1      2017-08-09     <--yes dp1        rp2      2017-08-09 dp2        rp1      2017-07-09 dp1        rp1      2017-08-09     <--yes dp3        rp1      2017-08-09     <--yes 

result count = 2

based on clarifications original answer, here's revised answer (with original comment below)

select dp, rn, month(edate), count(month(edate)) table1 not exists (    select *    table1 t1   t1.dp = table1.dp   , t1.rn = table1.rn   , month(t1.edate) <> month(table1.edate) ) group dp, rn, month(edate) having count(month(edate)) > 1 

how this?

select dp, rn, month(edate), count(month(edate)) etable group dp, rn, month(edate) having count(month(edate)) > 1 


the following incorporate year:

select dp, rn, format(edate,'mm-yyyy'), count(format(edate,'mm-yyyy')) etable group dp, rn, format(edate,'mm-yyyy') having count(format(edate,'mm-yyyy')) > 1 



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