- How to return the last value when retrying action multiple times? -

when using oracle or postgres repeatable read / serializable isolation levels, need ready retry transaction. our back-end services pretty state less, can rerun them same input parameters want. core seems returning result created when action executed first time , not last time. here example:

[httppost] public async task<iactionresult> postitemasync([frombody]createitemmodel requestbody) {     int itemid = await createitemservice.value.createitemasync(requestbody);      return createdataction(nameof(getitemasync), new { id = itemid }, new itemcreatedmodel { id = itemid }); } 

itemid contains database id , different every time retry call, since sequences aren't reverted when transaction rolled back. when 2 transactions started in parallel, first gets itemid 1 , second gets 2, second rolled due concurrency issues , rerun filter (this works far), new itemid second transaction 3 client still retrieves 2.

how can force core return last result of action?

the exception due transaction rolled occurs in filter surrounding , calling action. i'm not interested in solutions create id on client using guids, since solves current specific problem, many others, more complex ones, still exist.


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