swift3 - how to get selected text of textfield on button click? pickerview is set as an inputview to the textfield. Swift -

currently output displaying selected values pickerview inside textfields.

pickerview inputview textfield

now question want access these values on submit button , want display in view controller how this?. let me explain scenario first vc set collectionview 1 of collectionviewcell m redirecting page.

note: know how pass data between 2 view controller. not working in case.please help.


@ibaction func staffatten_action(_ sender: any) {   //        let secondvc = self.storyboard?.instantiateviewcontroller(withidentifier: "staffattendence_secondpage") as! staffattendence_secondpage // //        secondvc.a = active_text.text!  //        secondvc.b = active_text.text!  //        secondvc.c = active_text.text! //            secondvc.savedata.append(year.text!) //        secondvc.savedata.append(month.text!) //        secondvc.savedata.append(institute.text!) } } 

the problem having instantiating brand new vc , passing data it. vc presented not 1 created.

since have segue connecting 2 vcs, override prepare(for:sender:)

override func prepare(for segue: uistoryboardsegue, sender: any?) {     if let vc = segue.destination as? staffattendence_secondpage {         vc.a = ...         vc.b = ...         // pass rest of data here...     } } 


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