sql server - SQL - Get numbers from string after a pound (#) sign -
i attempting numbers string in sql server 2012 located after pound (#) sign , before spaces follow. instance, store numbers. let's have following:
big box store #450 big box store #768 little shop #2 widgets warehouse #678 little shop #5 widgets warehouse #559 corner boutiques #32 *closed corner boutiques #67 *closed corner boutiques #12 buy more #1047 superstore 1 stop shop #3 1 stop shop #17 2 me #16
i return following: 450, 768, 2, 678, 5, 559, 32, 67, 12, 1047, 3, 17, 16.
as can see, not of strings have numbers @ end. of them have numerical character in name of store. figure best way of going extract numbers following pound sign.
is there way this? i've looked @ following articles:
it seems patindex
may use, unsure i've tried far doesn't return expected results.
many thanks!
another similar way... using test data tyron. works if there isn't space after digits.
declare @t table( mystring nvarchar(1000) ); insert @t values ('big box store #450') ,('big box store #768') ,('little shop #2') ,('widgets warehouse #678') ,('little shop #5') ,('widgets warehouse #559') ,('corner boutiques #32*closed') --notice no space here ,('corner boutiques #67 *closed') ,('corner boutiques #12') ,('buy more #1047 superstore') ,('1 stop shop #3') ,('1 stop shop #17') ,('you 2 me #16'); select substring(mystring,charindex('#',mystring,0) + 1,case when patindex('%[^0-9]%',right(mystring,len(mystring) - charindex('#',mystring,0))) = 0 99 else patindex('%[^0-9]%',right(mystring,len(mystring) - charindex('#',mystring,0))) - 1 end) --char version... ,substring(mystring,charindex('#',mystring,0) + 1,case when patindex('%[^0-9]%',substring(mystring,charindex('#',mystring,0) + 1,len(mystring) - charindex('#',mystring,0) + 1)) = 0 99 else patindex('%[^0-9]%',substring(mystring,charindex('#',mystring,0) + 1,len(mystring) - charindex('#',mystring,0) + 1)) - 1 end) @t
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