Create Azure Resource Policy to enforce user? -

i looking option enforce user use specific image, trying modify below code use hub image

. below code trying modify enforce windows hub

"if": {   "allof": [     {       "field": "type",       "in": [ "microsoft.compute/virtualmachines", "microsoft.compute/virtualmachinescalesets" ]     },     {       "field": "microsoft.compute/licensetype",       "exists": windows_server     }   ] }, "then": {   "effect": "deny" } 

} }

if understanding right, firstly find hub images's sku.

for windows server:

ps c:\program files\> get-azurermvmimagesku -location westus -publishername microsoftwindowsserver -offer windowsserver-hub|select skus  skus ---- 2008-r2-sp1-hub 2012-datacenter-hub 2012-r2-datacenter-hub 2016-datacenter-hub 

for windows client:

ps c:\program files> get-azurermvmimagesku -location "west us" -publisher "microsoftwindowsserver" -offer "windows-hub"|select skus  skus ---- windows-10-hub 

more information please refer blog , link.

according official document. maybe modify policy below:

{   "if":{    {      "anyof": [        {          "field": "microsoft.compute/imagesku",          "like": "2016-datacenter-hub*"        },        {          "field": "microsoft.compute/imagesku",          "like": "windows-10-hub*"        },        {        .....        }      ]     }   },  "then": {         "effect": "deny"     } } 


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