python - How can I put each model City&Prefecture&Area&User? -

i wanna put data of list city&prefecture&area&user model ? wrote

book3 = xlrd.open_workbook('./data/excel1.xlsx') sheet3 = book3.sheet_by_index(0)  data_dict = ordereddict() tag_list = sheet3.row_values(0) tag_list1_user_id = tag_list[9] fourrows = [] row_index in range(7, sheet3.nrows):     row = sheet3.row_values(row_index)     if len(fourrows) == 5:         fourrows=[]     fourrows.append(row)     fourrows_transpose = list(map(list, zip(*fourrows)))     print(fourrows_transpose)     val3 = sheet3.cell_value(rowx=0, colx=9)     user3 = companyransaction.objects.filter(user_id=val3)     if user3:        user3.update(xxxxx) is

class area(models.model):     name = models.charfield(max_length=20, verbose_name='エリア名', null=true) class user(models.model):     user_id = models.charfield(max_length=200,null=true)     area = models.foreignkey('area',null=true, blank=true)  class prefecture(models.model):     name = models.charfield(max_length=20, verbose_name='prefecture')     area = models.foreignkey('area', null=true, blank=true)  class city(models.model):     name = models.charfield(max_length=20, verbose_name='city')     prefecture = models.foreignkey('prefecture', null=true, blank=true)  class price(models.model):     name = models.charfield(max_length=20, verbose_name='price')     price_range = (         ('a', 'u500'),         ('b', '500-1000'),         ('c', 'u1000'),     )     price_range = models.charfield(max_length=1, choices=price_range)     city = models.foreignkey('city', null=true, blank=true) 

in print(fourrows_transpose),it shown

[['america', '', '', '', ''], ['', '', 'u1000', '500~1000', 'd500'], ['ny', 'city a', '×', '×', '×'], ['', 'city b', '×', '×', '×'], ['', 'city c', '×', '×', '×'], ['', 'city d', '×', '×', '×'], ['', 'city e', '×', '×', '×']] 

i wanna put 'america' prefecture's area , city city's name , × to price's name . so,i wanna put these data tp user3.update(xxxxx).what should write xxx?how can it?

if have existing instances of prefecture, city, , price have call each 1 , update separately.

example (assuming user , prefecture linked area property):

pref = prefecture.objects.get(area=user3.area) city = city.objects.get(prefecture=pref) price = price.objects.get(city=city) = "whatever want" = "whatever want" = "whatever want" 

if not have existing instances of said above models, have create instance each one, , link them each other.

example (assuming user , prefecture linked area property):

pref = prefecture.objects.create(name="yourname", area=user3.area) city = city.objects.create(name="yourname", prefecture=pref) price = price.objects.create(name="yourname", city=city) 

hope helps!


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