weight - Pounds and Ounces in Python -

i started learn coding , i'm having issue trying pounds converted on ounces. we're suppose allow user input data 6 pounds 2 ounces. i'm stuck @ moment , i'm not sure if i'm going right. appreciated.

your program accept input weights in pounds , ounces set of rabbits fed 1 type of food. let user provide name of food. accept input until user types 0 weight. make life easier converting weights ounces. compute arithmetic mean (average) of each set of rabbits. determine set of rabbits weighs most, reporting average weight.

this orignal code before using pounds , ounces , worked fine using simple number 13.

f1 = input("name of food:")  print (f1)  counter = 0 sum = 0  question = input('''enter weight? type "yes" or "no" \n\n''')  while question == "yes" :     ent_num = int(input("weight of rabbit:"))     sum = sum + ent_num     counter = counter + 1     question = input('''enter weight? type "yes" or "no". \n ''')  print ("average weight " + str(sum/counter)) 

my current code looks after tried implement pounds , ounces input.

f1 = input("name of food: ") print (f1)  counter = 0 sum = 0  print ("please enter inforamtion in pounds , ounces. end") question = input('''enter weight? type "yes" or "no" \n\n''')  while question == "yes" :     ent_num = int(input("weight of rabbit:"))     sum = sum + ent_num     counter = counter + 1 if pounds * ounces == 0:     allounces = pounds * 16 + ounces     sum = sum + allounces  print ("average weight " + str(sum/counter)) 

you need save pounds , ounces in separate variable needed.

f1 = input("name of food: ") print (f1)  counter = 0 sum = 0 print ("please enter inforamtion in pounds , ounces. end") question = input('''enter weight? type "yes" or "no" \n\n''') while question == "yes" :     pounds, ounces = map(int, input().split())     weight = pounds * 16 + ounces     sum = sum + weight     counter = counter + 1 if pounds * ounces == 0:  print ("average weight " + str(sum/counter)) 


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