ios - Swift: Can't subclass SCNNode? Fatalerror -

ok, need subclass scnnode because have different scnnodes different "abilities" in game (i know people don't subclass scnnode need to)

i have followed every other question subclassing scnnode , creating subclass of scnnode continue error:

fatal error: use of unimplemented initializer 'init()' class 'littledude.dude' 

where dude name of scnnode subclass.

following second question, because of classing issues how attempt scnnode .dae scene , assign dude():

var thedude = dude(geometry: scnsphere(radius: 0.1)) //random geometry first var modelscene = scnscene(named: "art.scnassets/ryderfinal3.dae")!  if let d = modelscene.rootnode.childnodes.first         {             thedude.transform = d.transform             thedude.geometry = d.geometry             thedude.rotation = d.rotation             thedude.position = d.position             thedude.boundingbox = d.boundingbox             thedude.geometry?.firstmaterial = d.geometry?.firstmaterial         }         print("dude: ", thedude) 

then in dude class:

class dude: scnnode {  init(geometry: scngeometry) {         super.init()          center(node: self)         self.scale = scnvector3(x: modifier, y: modifier, z: modifier)         //thedude.transform = scnmatrix4mult(thedude.transform, scnmatrix4makerotation(360, 0, 1, 0))         //thedude.worldorientation = .         //self.thedude.position = scnvector3make(0, 0, -1)          s in animscenes {             if let anim = animationfromscenenamed(path: s)             {                 animations.append(anim)                 anim.usesscenetimebase = true                 anim.repeatcount = float.infinity                 self.addanimation(anim, forkey: anim.description)             }         }             }   /* xcode required */     required init(coder adecoder: nscoder) {         fatalerror("init(coder:) has not been implemented222")     } 

the error gets drawn on first line of custom class , happens when try clone , add custom scnnode scene:

func makedude(hitposition: scnvector3)     {         //print("dude")         let clone = thedude.clone() as? scnnode         clone?.position = hitposition         self.sceneview.scene.rootnode.addchildnode(clone!)     } 

even though cast scnnode try avoid error. how can clone , use custom scnnode in scene? wrong here?

if subclass scnnode , override initializer init(geometry: scngeometry?) you'll need call same initalizer of super during init. try changing



super.init(geometry: geometry) 


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