i have following crash report in cellforrow method.
this not can reproduce myself when running through xcode.
crashed: com.apple.main-thread 0 app 0x1004a7624 specialized inspectionitemvc.tableview(uitableview, cellforrowat : indexpath) -> uitableviewcell (inspectionitemvc.swift:610) 1 app 0x10049f82c @objc inspectionitemvc.tableview(uitableview, cellforrowat : indexpath) -> uitableviewcell (inspectionitemvc.swift) 2 uikit 0x198931d90 -[uitableview _createpreparedcellforglobalrow:withindexpath:willdisplay:] + 688 3 uikit 0x198931fa8 -[uitableview _createpreparedcellforglobalrow:willdisplay:] + 80 4 uikit 0x19891f6ac -[uitableview _updatevisiblecellsnow:isrecursive:] + 2152 5 uikit 0x198936f98 -[uitableview _performwithcachedtraitcollection:] + 120 6 uikit 0x1986cf49c -[uitableview layoutsubviews] + 176 7 uikit 0x1985e9cc0 -[uiview(calayerdelegate) layoutsublayersoflayer:] + 1200 8 quartzcore 0x1957da274 -[calayer layoutsublayers] + 148 9 quartzcore 0x1957cede8 ca::layer::layout_if_needed(ca::transaction*) + 292 10 uikit 0x1985fe458 -[uiview(hierarchy) layoutbelowifneeded] + 548 11 uikit 0x1986a50c8 -[uinavigationcontroller _layoutviewcontroller:] + 1244 12 uikit 0x1986a2944 -[uinavigationcontroller _layouttopviewcontroller] + 228 13 uikit 0x1986bb6f4 -[uinavigationcontroller navigationtransitionview:didendtransition:fromview:toview:] + 744 14 uikit 0x1986bb3d0 -[uinavigationtransitionview _notifydelegatetransitiondidstopwithcontext:] + 420 15 uikit 0x1986bafa0 -[uinavigationtransitionview _cleanuptransition] + 608 16 uikit 0x198625060 -[uiviewanimationstate senddelegateanimationdidstop:finished:] + 312 17 uikit 0x19862320c +[uiviewanimationstate popanimationstate] + 320 18 uikit 0x1986ae7dc -[uinavigationtransitionview transition:fromview:toview:] + 1860 19 uikit 0x1986a4764 -[uinavigationcontroller _starttransition:fromviewcontroller:toviewcontroller:] + 2488 20 uikit 0x1986a3870 -[uinavigationcontroller _startdeferredtransitionifneeded:] + 856 21 uikit 0x1986a3424 -[uinavigationcontroller __viewwilllayoutsubviews] + 64 22 uikit 0x1986a3388 -[uilayoutcontainerview layoutsubviews] + 188 23 uikit 0x1985e9cc0 -[uiview(calayerdelegate) layoutsublayersoflayer:] + 1200 24 quartzcore 0x1957da274 -[calayer layoutsublayers] + 148 25 quartzcore 0x1957cede8 ca::layer::layout_if_needed(ca::transaction*) + 292 26 quartzcore 0x1957ceca8 ca::layer::layout_and_display_if_needed(ca::transaction*) + 32 27 quartzcore 0x19574a34c ca::context::commit_transaction(ca::transaction*) + 252 28 quartzcore 0x1957713ac ca::transaction::commit() + 504 29 uikit 0x1985df308 _aftercacommithandler + 256 30 corefoundation 0x1924689a8 __cfrunloop_is_calling_out_to_an_observer_callback_function__ + 32 31 corefoundation 0x192466630 __cfrunloopdoobservers + 372 32 corefoundation 0x192466a7c __cfrunlooprun + 956 33 corefoundation 0x192396da4 cfrunlooprunspecific + 424 34 graphicsservices 0x193e01074 gseventrunmodal + 100 35 uikit 0x198651c9c uiapplicationmain + 208 36 app 0x1000cfd04 main (appdelegate.swift:22) 37 libdyld.dylib 0x1913a559c start + 4
i read error in question linked nsnotificationcenter , need remove observer in viewwilldisappear
i had removed observer in deinit , viewdiddisappear. if add removal of observer viewwilldisappear also, should solve issue?
also if add observer removal viewwilldisappear, should rid of code in deinit , viewdiddisappear?
previous code:
override func viewdidappear(_ animated: bool) { super.viewdidappear(animated) notificationcenter.default.addobserver(self, selector:#selector(checktimeout), name: nsnotification.name(rawvalue: "appopened"), object: nil) } deinit { notificationcenter.default.removeobserver(self) } override func viewdiddisappear(_ animated: bool) { super.viewdiddisappear(animated); notificationcenter.default.removeobserver(self) } override func viewwilldisappear(_ animated: bool) { //should add notificationcenter.default.removeobserver(self) here , remove other 2 places above? if let answers = helper_eqi_answer.getanswers(inspectionid) { inspection?.answers = answers; } }
cellforrow snippet: included case of switch statement points line 610. eqi_question type enum. cases satisfied in switch
func tableview(_ tableview: uitableview, cellforrowat indexpath: indexpath) -> uitableviewcell { if let item: = insp_questions?[indexpath.row]{ if 1...12 ~= item.type && answerids != nil { switch (eqi_questiontype(rawvalue: item.type)!) { case .true_false: if let cell = tableview.dequeuereusablecell(withidentifier: "iq_flipcell") as? iq_flipcell { cell.table = questiontable; cell.delegate = self; cell.qid = answerids![indexpath.row]; cell.selectionstyle = .none //this empty line 610 if questionna[indexpath.row] { cell.nabox.setimage(#imageliteral(resourcename: "checkbox_selected"), for: .normal); cell.questionitem.ishidden = true; } else { cell.nabox.setimage(#imageliteral(resourcename: "checkbox_up"), for: .normal); cell.questionitem.ishidden = false; } let cell2 = cell.formatcell(with: item, for: cell, at: indexpath, qtype: 0) textheight[indexpath.row] = cell.questiontext.numberofvisiblelines; if item.question.characters.count > 40 { textheight[indexpath.row] += 1 } return cell2; } } } } return uitableviewcell(); }
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