sorting - Is possible to re-sort or edit my firebase list in ionic 2? -
i'm not sure if there example question or not want re-sort or edit firebase list using possible methods.
for example: have firebase list:
public classeslist: firebaselistobservable<any[]>; ... this.classeslist = this.afd.list('/classes/',{ query:{ orderbychild:'uemail', equalto: '' } })
and sample example of contains of classeslist
classeslist -- class1 ----- day: 'sun,tus,thu' ----- time: '10:00' -- class2 ----- day: 'sun,thu' ----- time: '8:00' -- class3 ----- day: 'sun,thu' ----- time: '9:00'
my problem: how can make "if statements" between classes re-sort list or push values in other temp array use in html (& should add 'async' temp array or not ?) !
where uemail
child in classeslist example? output of this.afd.list
object. of children matching query. can use function converts object array, , sort array way want.
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