r - Reset tableoutput with action button in shinydashboard -

i have shinydashboard app, app filter box , tabset show datatatable depending on filter. have reset button reset filters whith shinyjs::reset function, , want reset tableset , showing complete table or nothing. want valuboxes.

my app :

for server interface have basic : output$tableprint_a <- dt::renderdatarable ({}) ui :

body <- dashboardbody(   tabitems(     #### first tab item #####     tabitem(tabname = "fpc",             fluidrow(               infoboxoutput("kpm_inf", width = 6),               infoboxoutput(outputid = "fpc_inf", width = 6)             ),             fluidrow(               box(title = "variables filter",                   shinyjs::useshinyjs(),                   id = "side_panel",                   br(),                   background = "light-blue",                   solidheader = true,                   width = 2,                   selectinput("aaa", "aaa", multiple = t, choices = c("all", as.character(unique(fpc$aaa))))                   br(),                   br(),                   p(class = "text-center", div(style = "display:inline-block", actionbutton("go_button", "search",                                                                                              icon = icon("arrow-circle-o-right"))),                     div(style = "display:inline-block", actionbutton("reset_button", "reset",                                                                       icon = icon("repeat")))),                   p(class = 'text-center', downloadbutton('dl_fpc', 'download data'))),               tabbox(                 title = taglist(),                 id = "tabset1",                 width = 10,                 tabpanel(                   "a \u2030 ",                   dt::datatableoutput("tableprint_a"),                   bsmodal(id = 'startupmodal', title = 'update message', trigger = '',                           size = 'large',                           tags$p(tags$h2("last update of : 01/09/2017",                                          br(), br(),                                          "last update of b : 01/09/2017",                                          br(), br(),                                          "last update of c : 01/09/2017",                                          style = "color:green", align = "center")))                 ),                 tabpanel(                   "b % table",                   dt::datatableoutput("tableprint_b")),                 type = "pills"               )             ),             fluidrow(               # dynamic valueboxes               valueboxoutput("info_gen", width = 6)             ) 

i tried :

  observeevent(input$reset_button, {     output$tableprint_a <- null   }) 


i want that, when action search button want appear again :

 shinyjs::onclick("reset_button",                    shinyjs::toggle(id = "tableprint_a", anim = true)) 

you should try out:

output$tableprint_a <- renderdatatable({   if(input$reset_button == 1) {     null   }else{     datatable(...)   } }) 

if button clicked nothing displayed, else datatable shown.


library(shiny) library(dt) shinyapp(   ui = fluidpage(selectinput("select", "select", choices = unique(iris$species), multiple = t),                  actionbutton("go_button", "search",                                icon = icon("arrow-circle-o-right")),                  actionbutton("reset_button", "reset",                                icon = icon("repeat")),                               dt::datatableoutput('tbl')),   server = function(input, output) {      values <- reactivevalues(matrix = null)      observe({       if (input$go_button == 0)         return()       values$matrix <- iris[iris$species %in% input$select, ]     })     observe({       if (input$reset_button == 0)         return()       values$matrix <- null     })      output$tbl = dt::renderdatatable({       datatable(values$matrix, options = list(lengthchange = false))}     )   } ) 


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