r - Incorrect Legend Ordering with scale_color_grey() -

i doing monte carlo simulation, in have display density of coefficient estimates simulations different sample sizes on same plot. when using scale_color_grey. have put coefficient estimates in same dataframe, sample size factor. if query factor levels(), in correct order (from smallest highest sample size). however, following code gives scale in order correct in legend, color moves light grey darker grey in seemingly random order

montecarlo <- function(n, nsims, nsamp){   set.seed(8675309)   coef.mc <- vector()     for(i in 1:nsims){       access <- rnorm(n, 0, 1)        health <- rnorm(n, 0, 1)       doctorpop <- (access*1) + rnorm(n, 0, 1)       sick <- (health*-0.4) + rnorm(n, 0, 1)       insurance <- (access*1) + (health*1) + rnorm(n, 0, 1)       healthcare <- (insurance*1) + (doctorpop*1) + (sick*1) + rnorm(n, 0, 1)       data <- as.data.frame(cbind(healthcare, insurance, sick, doctorpop))       sample.data <- data[sample(nrow(data), nsamp), ]       model <- lm(data=sample.data, healthcare ~ insurance + sick + doctorpop)       coef.mc[i] <- coef(model)["insurance"]     }   return(as.data.frame(cbind(coef.mc, nsamp))) }  sample30.df <- montecarlo(n=1000, nsims=1000, nsamp=30) sample100.df <- montecarlo(1000,1000,100) sample200.df <- montecarlo(1000, 1000, 200) sample500.df <- montecarlo(1000, 1000, 500) sample1000.df <- montecarlo(1000, 1000, 1000) montecarlo.df <- rbind(sample30.df, sample100.df, sample200.df, sample500.df, sample1000.df) montecarlo.df$nsamp <- as.factor(montecarlo.df$nsamp) levels(montecarlo.df$nsamp) <- c("30", "100", "200", "500", "1000")  ##creating plot montecarlo.plot <- ggplot(data=montecarlo.df, aes(x=coef.mc, color=nsamp))+   geom_line(data = subset(montecarlo.df, nsamp==30), stat="density")+   geom_line(data = subset(montecarlo.df, nsamp==100), stat="density")+   geom_line(data = subset(montecarlo.df, nsamp==200), stat="density")+   geom_line(data = subset(montecarlo.df, nsamp==500), stat="density")+   geom_line(data = subset(montecarlo.df, nsamp==1000), stat="density")+   scale_color_grey(breaks=c("30", "100","200", "500", "1000"))+   labs(x=null, y="density of coefficient estimate: insurance", color="sample size")+   theme_bw() montecarlo.plot  

not using breaks argument scale_color_grey returns legend in shades in right order, not increase smallest highest sample size.

what going on here? far understand it, ggplot2 should follow factor's order (which correct) in assigning colors , creating legend. how can make both legend , shades of grey increase smallest lowest sample size?

you should let ggplot handle drawing separate lines each level of nsamp: because have mapped nsamp colour aesthetic, ggplot automatically draw different line each level, can do:

montecarlo.plot <- ggplot(data=montecarlo.df, aes(x=coef.mc, color=nsamp))+     geom_line(stat = "density", size = 1.2) +     scale_color_grey() +     labs(x=null, y="density of coefficient estimate: insurance", color="sample size")+     theme_bw() montecarlo.plot 

no need manually subset data.


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