c# - PropertyInfo.GetValue returns int, but casting to decimal results in InvalidCastException -
we have following code produces unexpected result (probably because don't understand fundamental that's going on here).
var propinfo = propobj.gettype().getproperty(prop.propertyname); var valueobj = propinfo.getvalue(obj); /* valueobj contains number 0*/ var valuedecimal = (decimal) valueobj; /* produces invalidcastexception
can explain going on here , how fix code? in case want decimal value, if 0.
you need first unbox int , can convert decimal
var propinfo = propobj.gettype().getproperty(prop.propertyname); var valueint = (int)propinfo.getvalue(obj); /* valueobj contains number 0*/ var valuedecimal = (decimal) valueint;
although syntax same conversion between object , int unboxing operation, if try convert object decimal tries unbox decimal , fails.
if in generated il version in question , version above, can more see difference:
for original cast decimal generates:
unbox.any [mscorlib]system.decimal
for version above:
call valuetype [mscorlib]system.decimal [mscorlib]system.decimal::op_implicit(int32)
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