python - Stop iterating over nested loops and continue with most outest loop -

i coding heuristic optimization problem field of production. in heuristic have various conditions, stop criteria etc. in order account these different criteria, worked multiple nested loops, can see in code below:

for tao in periods:     print ("iteration:", tao)     print ("-----------------------------------------")     print (setup_items)     z in range(1,periods_count+1-tao):         print("z =",z)         k in setup_items[tao+z]:              print("k =",k)  #### exception 1             if production.loc[k][tao] == 0:                 print("there no setup in period product {}.".format(k))                 counter =+ 1                 continue  #### exception 2             if demand.loc[k][tao+z] > spare_capacity[tao]['spare capacity']:                 print("capacity in period {} insufficient pre-produce demands product {} period {}.\n".format(tao, k, tao+z))                 counter =+ 1                 continue             if counter == k:                  print("stop criterion met!")                 break ##########################################################################             if sm == 1:                 if silvermeal(k,z) == true:                      print("silver meal criterion is", silvermeal(k,z))                     production.loc[k][tao] += demand.loc[k][tao+z]                     production.loc[k][tao+z] = 0                 else:                     print("else: silver meal criterion is", silvermeal(k,z))             t in range(tao,periods_count+1):                 k in products:                     spare_capacity[t] = capacity[t][1]-sum(production.loc[k][t] k in products)                 setup_items = [[] t in range(0,periods_count+1)]                 t in periods:                     k in products:                         if production.loc[k][t]==(max(0,demand.loc[k][t]-stock.loc[k][t-1])) > 0:                              setup_items[t].append(k)                print(productionplan(production,spare_capacity,cf), '\n\n')     print(productionplan(production,spare_capacity,cf), '\n\n') 

the idea is, if 1 tao, there exception true k, loops terminate early, apart outer one, go next tao in periods , starts again.

i tried use counter variable, did not turn out functioning well.

i have example output (extract):

z = 1 k = 1 capacity in period 1 insufficient pre-produce demands product 1 period 2.  k = 2 capacity in period 1 insufficient pre-produce demands product 2 period 2.  z = 2 k = 2 capacity in period 1 insufficient pre-produce demands product 2 period 3. 

after k=2 in z=1the iteration should terminate, keeps on checking further z values.

could give me tip how solve issue? read putting loops functions, 1 can break out of multiple loops, not sure how formulate here, have multiple points of exit..


python not have control breaking out of multiple loops @ once.

you can set flag , break out of multiple loops, more info link


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