Not able to sign in using facebook and google plus in android live application -

i working on android application in have 2 social login facebook , google plus.

for facebook integration have generated release key work on live app. using below command able create key hash:

**keytool -exportcert -alias androidreleasekey -keystore e:\app\release.keystore | c:\users\amit\downloads\openssl-0.9.8k_x64\bin\openssl.exe sha1 -binary | c:\users\amit\downloads\openssl-0.9.8k_x64\bin\openssl.exe base64** 

for google plus integration have used release command generate release sha1 key , using key have used in firebase json file.

using below command able create sha1 release:

**keytool -list -v -keystore e:\android\app\keystore.jks -alias android** 

but problem have created signed apk , working facebook , g+ login when using live apk not working facebook , g+ login. why?


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