python - Flask Web App: (psycopg2.OperationalError) server closed the connection unexpectedly -

i have small application on azure runs web app following traits:

  1. python (flask sqlalchemy)
  2. postgresql

i'm trying create table python code through sqlalchemy. here's folder structure:

project structure

here's file:

from flask import flask flask_sqlalchemy import sqlalchemy  postgres = {     'user': 'admin_user@pracap',     'pw': 'password_goes_here',     'db': 'apitest',     'host': '',     'port': '5432', } url = 'postgresql://%(user)s:\%(pw)s@%(host)s:%(port)s/%(db)s' % postgres  app = flask(__name__) app.config['sqlalchemy_database_uri'] = url app.config['sqlalchemy_track_modifications'] = false db = sqlalchemy(app)  import apitestproject.index 

then have file:

from flask import flask flask_restful import api apitestproject import app, db   @app.before_first_request def create_tables():     db.create_all()  @app.route('/') @app.route('/home') def home():     return "i'm default route" 

and here's usermodel file:

from ..apitestproject import db  class usermodel(db.model):     __tablename__ = 'users'      id = db.column(db.string, primary_key=true)     name = db.column(db.string(50))     address = db.column(db.string(144))     salary = db.column(db.numeric(12, 2))     position = db.column(db.string(50))     password = db.column(db.string(50)) 

when run project, following error:

operationalerror: (psycopg2.operationalerror) server closed connection unexpectedly         means server terminated abnormally         before or while processing request. 

i have disabled requiredssl azure testing purposes , allowed connections every ip on firewall shown on msft tutorial.

anyone has had error before?

per experience, think issue caused using psycopg2 connection string postgresql://user:password@hostname:port/dbname. using psycopg2, need use connection string in python code below, please refer offical document here.

import psycopg2  # update connection string information obtained portal host = "" user = "mylogin@mypgserver-20170401" dbname = "mypgsqldb" password = "<server_admin_password>" sslmode = "require"  # construct connection string conn_string = "host={0} user={1} dbname={2} password={3} sslmode={4}".format(host, user, dbname, password, sslmode) conn = psycopg2.connect(conn_string)  print "connection established" 

and there thread can't figure out db uri postgres azure explained issues connecting postgresql on azure using python.

hope helps.


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